How to create admin token REST API in Magento 2?

How to create admin token REST API in Magento 2?

Magento 2 Admin Token REST API, you need to first generate an access token. The access token used for synchronization with Magento to another third-party platform. Without an Access token, you can’t communicate with Magento 2. For Create access token you need to call POST action with Request payload.

What do you need to know about Magento tokens?

Magento issues the following types of access tokens: Token type Description Default lifetime Integration The merchant determines which Magento re Indefinite. It lasts until it is manuall Admin The merchant determines which Magento re 4 hours Customer Magento grants access to resources with 1 hour

How does a merchant get access to Magento?

The merchant determines which Magento resources an admin user has access to. Magento grants access to resources with the anonymous or self permission. Merchants cannot edit these settings. When a merchant creates and activates an integration, Magento generates a consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret.

Who are the guest users of Magento web API?

The Magento web API framework allows guest users to access resources that are configured with the permission level of anonymous. Guest users are users who the framework cannot authenticate through existing authentication mechanisms.

What are the different types of tokens in Magento?

Magento issues the following types of access tokens: The merchant determines which Magento resources the integration has access to. Indefinite. It lasts until it is manually revoked. The merchant determines which Magento resources an admin user has access to. Magento grants access to resources with the anonymous or self permission.

Do you need a consumer key to use Magento?

Resources with anonymous or self permission are accessible. These settings cannot be edited by Merchants. When integration is created and activated, a consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret are generated by Magento. However, the token-based authentication only requires the access token.

Do you need a password for a Magento account?

Magento provides a separate token service for administrators and customers. When you request a token from one of these services, the service returns a unique access token in exchange for the username and password for a Magento account.