On the top menu click on VIEW, then move the mouse cursor down to SELECT, over to the right to in order to scroll down to the last item: DESELECT FEATURES FROM ALL LAYERS. Clicking on the command DESELECT FROM ALL LAYERS will remove the selection status in both the attribute table and the MAP VIEW.

How to DESELECT features QGIS?

You can obtain the options for selecting by going to “View” in the menu, and then choosing the “Select” option from the drop-down menu. You can also obtain the options by selecting the “Select Features” icon on your menu.

How to DESELECT a polygon in QGIS?

2 Answers

  1. Open the attribute table for the layer you want to deselect and click the ‘Unselect all’ button there (instead of the one in the main QGIS toolbar)
  2. With the selection tool active, highlight the layer you want to Unselect, then click anywhere in the map window where there are no features.

How to show LAYERS QGIS?

Layers Panel. The Layers panel (also called the map legend ) lists all the layers in the project and helps you manage their visibility. You can show or hide it by pressing Ctrl + 1 .

What is the meaning of select by attributes?

Select By Attributes allows you to provide a SQL query expression that is used to select features that match the selection criteria.

How to unselect features in only the current layer in QGIS?

QGIS 3.0.2 answer. Besides what Jakob said, with the layer selected open the TOC and hit the Deselect all button (or its shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A ). See screenshot below: Still in the TOC, if one wants to deselect only a few rows of a previous selection, hold Ctrl and click on rows to be deselected.

How does the vector overlay-QGIS algorithm work?

This algorithm uses spatial indexes on the providers, prepared geometries and apply an intersection operation if the geometry isn’t wholly contained by the mask geometry. The layer containing the features to be clipped. The layer containing the features that are used to clip the features in the input layer.

Where to save the line intersection layer in QGIS?

One layer containing feature (s) to be combined. Second layer containing the feature (s) to be combined. Where to save the intersection layer. Can be saved to file, a temporary file or a memory layer. Where to save the line intersection layer.

How to create a scratch layer in QGIS?

When using a prefix, the attribute table in will show joined attribute names with your preferred prefix. This release add support for creating new temporary scratch layers within QGIS core. Scratch layers can be created in the Layer –> Create layer –> New Temporary Scratch Layer menu option.