How to dynamically pass record ID to Visualforce page?

How to dynamically pass record ID to Visualforce page?

I want to dynamically pass the record id so I created a class, however it’s giving an error, can someone please help me correct my code. @nagalakshmi: Thanks for you response. Based on your suggestion I tried this, and it worked. Thanks!! I don’t want to pass the server name though, anyway i can get around it?

How does the standardsetcontroller work in Visualforce?

The StandardSetController class also contains a prototype object. This is a single sObject contained within the Visualforce StandardSetController class. If the prototype object’s fields are set, those values are used during the save action, meaning that the values are applied to every record in the set controller’s collection.

How to pass an apex ID to Visualforce?

As seen below method1 is expecting an id and I do not know how to pass a argument from Visualforce. The second issue is once a value is returned from method1, if it is 0, call method2 (in apex class). How do I call an apex method from JS? Just as an FYI – I cannot change method1 as it is already in use.

What’s the maximum record limit for a standardsetcontroller?

This is useful for writing pages that perform mass updates (applying identical changes to fields within a collection of objects). Fields that are required in other Salesforce objects will keep the same requiredness when used by the prototype object. The maximum record limit for StandardSetController is 10,000 records.

How can I Capture that account ID in my controller?

As the user goes into an account, there is a custom button that they can click that will redirect them to my Visualforce page. How can I capture that account id in my controller? If you are using a custom controller you need to perform a SOQL query on the id in the controller’s constructor.

How to pass Account ID in Salesforce stack?

If you are using a custom controller you need to perform a SOQL query on the id in the controller’s constructor. ?accid= {!AccountId}&retURL=.. Thanks for contributing an answer to Salesforce Stack Exchange!