How to implement OAuth2 social login with Facebook?

How to implement OAuth2 social login with Facebook?

For example, if sign in and/or sign up with Facebook functionality needs to be implemented, the developer needs to visit the official docs page for the Facebook OAuth provider. In the OAuth2 authorization process, the program that sends requests to the authorization server is known as the client.

Can you use OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization?

Google’s OAuth 2.0 APIs can be used for both authentication and authorization. This document describes our OAuth 2.0 implementation for authentication, which conforms to the OpenID Connect specification, and is OpenID Certified. The documentation found in Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs also applies to this service.

What is OAuth and what does it mean for Facebook?

This mechanism is used by companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter to permit the users to share information about their accounts with third party applications or websites.” In simple language, OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard for token-based authentication and authorization on the Internet.

How to link Facebook app keys to

Link Facebook app keys to account Select the latest ‘api version’, copy the Facebook ‘App ID’ and ‘Secret Key’ that you noted earlier into ‘client id’, and ‘client_secret’ fields respectively, and click ‘Save’. Click on ‘Try Auth’ to see if you have configured to access your Facebook app correctly.

What does redirect URL mean in OAuth2?

The Redirect URL is where the service will redirect users after they authorize or deny your application. It also points to the route where you will write codes to handle access tokens.

How to create an OAuth2 redirect in Spring Boot?

The app.auth configurations are used to generate a JWT authentication token once the user is successfully logged in. Notice the use of redirectUriTemplate property in all the registered oauth2 providers. When you create an app in these OAuth2 providers websites, you must add an authorized redirect URI that matches this template.

How to implement OAuth2 in an application?

Developers can easily implement OAuth2 in an application. They just need to go through the technical documentation for the specific OAuth provider. For example, if sign in and/or sign up with Facebook functionality needs to be implemented, the developer needs to visit the official docs page for the Facebook OAuth provider.

Can you use Facebook login to authenticate people?

You can use Facebook Login to authenticate people without planning to access their data. In that case, you do not need to ask for permissions or put your app through app review. Authentication and data access each last for a finite period.

How to disable Facebook web OAuth login settings?

Web OAuth Login settings enables any OAuth client token flows that use the Facebook web login dialog to return tokens to your own website. This setting is in the Products > Facebook Login > Settings section of the App Dashboard. Disable this setting if you are not building a custom web login flow or using the Facebook Login SDK on the web.

Where can I find the OAuth web login settings?

Web OAuth Login settings enables any OAuth client token flows that use the Facebook web login dialog to return tokens to your own website. This setting is in the Products > Facebook Login > Settings section of the App Dashboard.