How to import CSV into a polygon shapefile?

How to import CSV into a polygon shapefile?

Load all data, shapefiles and csv data to QGIS. Rightclick on your shapefile, let’s say on the commune polygon layer (1 on the screenshot below). Select the Joins tab (2) and add a join with the green + (3). Select the associated csv file and set the common field, in this example COMM_CODE (4).

Can You preprocess CSV into a WKT polygon string?

However, it will be faster to preprocess within Excel (or whatever your spreadsheet program is) by combining the attributes into a WKT Polygon string, which unambiguously specifies the polygons in a standard format.

How can I save a CSV document in QGIS?

If you are working on QGIS, you can instantly generate a CSV document by right clicking on the layer -> Save as -> CSV. If you are working with ArcMap, then you can export the KML by using the tool Layer to KML (Go to Search option in the program).

What is the line field in CSV shapefile?

Line field is the field controlling the line IDs (tells the tool when to end the current line and move to the next line), Sort field sorts the records from first to last (if they aren’t in the correct order already) and Close line forces the lines closed (if they aren’t already). An Unexpected Error has occurred.

How to load geographic data like shapefiles into BigQuery?

BigQuery understands GeoJSON, an open standard. So, we need to convert the shapefiles the Census Bureau provides to GeoJSON. That’s why I had you install gdal — it comes with a useful tool called ogr2ogr:

Do you have to upload zipcode polygons to BigQuery?

Note that this is just an example — the zipcode polygons are already a public dataset in BigQuery, so you don’t have to upload the data; you can simply use it. Every year, the Census Bureau publishes the cartographic boundaries they use for their census.

Can a shapefile be blown up in Geosoft?

However, if the Shapefile contains polylines, rather than closed polygons, or if there are many items in the map group and editing would be required to isolate the polygons] then you can “blow up” a polygon shapefile when you import it to a Geosoft database.

How to create a Polygon File in Oasis montaj?

In Target and Oasis montaj, sometimes you need to create a polygon file for windowing (i.e. windowing a grid to a polygon to make a new smaller grid) or masking (i.e. applying to mask to a database channel, or hiding a map group outside a polygon boundary). The first step is creating the polygon *.ply file.