How to load a taxonomy term in ACF?

How to load a taxonomy term in ACF?

All the template functions can be used to load values from a taxonomy term, however, a second parameter is required to target the term. This is similar to passing through a $post_id parameter to target a specific post object. There are 3 different styles of $post_id available and are listed below. A string containing the word ‘term’ and term ID.

How to add custom fields to a taxonomy term?

The Advanced Custom Fields plugin makes it very easy to add custom fields to a Taxonomy Term, please follow the steps below. From the Custom Fields admin screen, click the Add New button to create a new field group Add the fields you would like to see when editing a Taxonomy Term

Can a template be used to load a taxonomy term?

Note the site header image now reflects the category image and all entry titles are green. All the template functions can be used to load values from a taxonomy term, however, a second parameter is required to target the term.

Why does WordPress not embed WYSIWYG field in taxonomy?

When editing a WYSIWYG field on a taxonomy term, the auto-embed functionality may not work. This is due to code within the WordPress core which limits the auto-embed functionality to posts only. This issue carries onto the front end and prevents embed urls (youtube, vimeo, etc) from being converted to play-able embed objects.

What should the first parameter of get _ terms ( ) be?

Prior to 4.5.0, the first parameter of get_terms () was a taxonomy or list of taxonomies: Since 4.5.0, taxonomies should be passed via the ‘taxonomy’ argument in the $args array: (array|string) (Optional) Array or string of arguments. See WP_Term_Query::__construct () for information on accepted arguments.

How does the get terms function in WordPress work?

Retrieves the terms in a given taxonomy or list of taxonomies. You can fully inject any customizations to the query before it is sent, as well as control the output with a filter. The return type varies depending on the value passed to $args [‘fields’].