How to localize a multilanguage Database Stack?

How to localize a multilanguage Database Stack?

Kind of like the PostGre hstore, except that due to the overhead of parsing XML (instead of reading an entry from an associative array in PG hstore) it becomes far too slow plus the xml encoding makes it too painful to be useful. Method 5 (as recommended by SunWuKung, the one you should choose): One translation table for each “Product” table.

What does unknown column mean in Stack Overflow?

The warning “unknown column” is clearly related to a variable in a tbl_df that I renamed, but the warning comes up in all kinds of commands seemingly unrelated to the tbl_df (e.g., installing updates on a package, str(x) where x is simply a character vector).

How are translations stored in a multilanguage database?

When we add a new language to the system, we must create additional columns to store the translated text, like this: Instead of storing translated text, only a foreign key to the translations table is stored. The translations table contains a column for each language.

Is the Oracle database compatible with the Unicode Standard?

The Unicode Standard is required by other standards such as XML, Java, JavaScript, LDAP, and WML. It is also synchronized with the ISO/IEC 10646 standard. Oracle Database introduced the Unicode Standard character encoding as the now obsolete database character set AL24UTFFSS in Oracle Database 7.

Which is disadvantage of one translation table for all fields?

One table for all translations: Disadvantage: You have to store n Foreign Keys in the products table for n fields you want to translate. Therefore, you have to do n joins for n fields. When the translation table is global, it has many entries, and joins become slow. Also, you always have to join the T_TRANSLATION table n times for n fields.

How does the anchor grouping node work in VRML?

The Anchor grouping node causes a URL to be fetched over the network when the viewer activates (e.g. clicks) some geometry contained within the Anchor’s children. If the URL pointed to is a legal VRML world, then that world replaces the world which the Anchor is a part of.