How to lock translation to the z axis?
For example, if the current transform orientation is set to Normal , pressing G to start translation, followed by Z will lock translation in the Z direction relative to the Normal orientation, pressing Z again will lock translation to the Z axis relative to the Global orientation. Pressing Z again will remove all constraints.
Which is an example of translation and rotation of axes?
Translation / Rotation : Examples This will be the last lesson in the Coordinate Geometry Basics series. I’ll be closing with a few solved examples relating to translation and rotation of axes. Example 1 Find the new coordinates of the point (3, 4) when (i) the origin is shifted to the point (1, 3).
What does it mean to lock a transformation to two axes?
Plane locking locks the transformation to two axes (or forbids transformations along one axis), thus creating a plane in which the element can be moved or scaled freely. Plane locking only affects translation and scaling.
How does plane locking affect translation and scaling?
Plane locking only affects translation and scaling. Note that for rotation, both axis and plane locking have the same effect because a rotation is always constrained around one axis.
Can a transformation be locked to an axis?
This option limits the transformation to the specified axis. Transformations (translation/scale/rotation) in Object Mode and Edit Mode (as well as extrusions in Edit Mode ) can be locked to a particular axis relative to the current transform orientation .
Can a trackball be locked to an axis?
Trackball type rotations R R cannot be locked at all. A single key press constrains movement to the current transform orientation selection. A second key press of the same key constrains movement to the corresponding Global axis (except if the transform orientation is set to Global, in which case the Local orientation is used).
Is there a correct way to lock on multiple objects?
That is the correct way to lock on multiple objects, yes. My guess is that the reason for only allowing a single argument to the lock statement is to make the order in which locks are taken as clear as possible.
Which is brighter locked axis or unlocked axis?
A locked axis will display in a brighter color than an unlocked axis. For example in the image to the right, the Z axis is shown in light blue as movement is constrained to this axis. This example, can be achieved in two ways:
How do you lock an axis in Blender?
A dotted white line is used as a pointer. The axis of choice to confirm the operation will depend on the highlighted axis about which the MMB is released. When you already moved the mouse in the desired direction, pressing MMB will lock to the axis which was pointed at.