How to make pages show posts from certain categories and?

How to make pages show posts from certain categories and?

In order to add a new menu item displaying specific post category, you should do the following: Assign posts to the Category under Posts -> All Posts: Create a page under Pages -> Add New. Insert a shortcode on the page using the category slug:

How to display a category page in WordPress?

In order to display that page, you just need to do some simple steps: When you click View, a category page will appear and you can get a direct link to this page. However, you will see the category base in your URLs, which causes difficulty in getting a higher Google ranking.

How to list and display products by category?

Displaying your products is fast and easy with Woo Product Table. By default, it generates tables that include all of your store’s products. However, with just a little modification, it can also list products by category in separate tables. An easy-to-use plugin for listing WooCommerce products by category.

How do I add a category link to my website?

This link can then be copied and used in your menu bar as the direct link to that category. To add the category link to your menu bar, go to Appearance > Menus and then select or create the menu you wish to add the category link to. Then click on Custom Links. Paste in the category url into the URL box and then title the link.

How can I see all my WordPress posts in one category?

In WordPress, you can categorize your post. This feature is useful to find out all posts that come under a specific category. When a user clicks on one of the categories they can see a post listing page for that specific category.

How to sort posts by categories in WordPress?

In WordPress you can sort posts using post categories. In order to add a new menu item displaying specific post category, you should do the following: Assign posts to the Category under Posts -> All Posts: Create a page under Pages -> Add New.

How to add a menu item to a post?

In order to add a new menu item displaying specific post category, you should do the following: Assign posts to the Category under Posts -> All Posts: Create a page under Pages -> Add New. Insert a shortcode on the page using the category slug: Add a menu item displaying the category: Add created page as menu item:

How can I add category posts to my sidebar in WordPress?

You can add the same shortcode to your WordPress sidebar or any widget-ready area. Simply go to the Appearance » Widgets page and add a ‘Text’ widget to your sidebar. You can now paste your shortcode [categoryposts] to the widget’s text area.

How to create a list of WordPress category posts?

Upload the list-category-posts directory to your wp-content/plugins/ directory. Login to your WordPress Admin menu, go to Plugins, and activate it. Start using the ‘ [catlist]` shortcode in your posts and/or pages.

Where do I find the catlist plugin in WordPress?

Start using the ‘ [catlist]` shortcode in your posts and/or pages. You can find the List Category Posts widget in the Appearence > Widgets section on your WordPress Dashboard. If you want to customize the way the plugin displays the information, check HTML & CSS Customization or the section on Templates on the wiki.

How to fetch posts from specific category in WordPress?

Let’s say slug of your page is category-list then your file name would be page-category-list.php. After this, the code from this file is being used for your page. You have created and assigned your template to the WordPress page. Now, let’s write a code that fetches posts attached to a category. I will use WP_Query class to fetch the posts.

How to create custom category pages in WordPress?

Creating Your Custom WordPress Category Pages Enhanced Category Pages works by letting you edit your category pages with all of the same WordPress Editor options you have when writing posts or pages. It’s super easy to use – assuming you’ve got the plugin activated, you can access the editor by going to Posts → Categories.

How to display recent posts from a specific category in WordPress?

Using Shortcode to Add Recent Posts by Category to Posts and Pages Simply, edit the post or page where you want to display the recent posts by category. On the post edit screen, click on the add new block (+) button and then add Shortcode block to your content area. Next, you need to add your shortcode [categoryposts] in the block settings.

How do I categorize my blog posts in WordPress?

By default in WordPress, you can categorize your post. This feature is useful to find out in which category your posts belongs to. In WordPress, when a user clicks on one of the categories they will redirect to post listing page for that specific category.

How do I add a category to my WordPress posts?

Upon activation, you need to visit the Appearance » Widgets page and add ‘Recent Posts Extended’ widget to your sidebar. The widget menu will expand to show its settings. You need to select the category or categories that you want to display under the ‘Limit to Category’ option.

Why are there categories in the sidebar of WordPress?

Category is an important feature of WordPress. By categorizing your posts, you can provide a properly organized site to your visitors. Unfortunately, WordPress does not provide lots of options when it comes to displaying category or related posts. In this regard, the only option you have is the Recent Posts widget.

How to create category Archive page template in Elementor pro?

In a nutshell, you’ll be able to showcase your blog posts in elementor using your created archive page template or blog archive page template based on categories.

Can a author post in more than one category?

You can even assign an author to post in just one category. This not only helps them focus on their writing strengths, but it can also prevent content from being posted in the wrong category. Overall, using categories properly can be very beneficial to your website’s SEO ranking as well.

Now, if you want to display all your posts from a specific category on a separate page, WordPress already takes care of this for you. To find the category page, you simply need to go to Posts » Categories » View page and click on the ‘View’ link below a category.

How can I display different content on the same page?

If link-2 is clicked than display content-2 from Page-1.cshtml in Visual.cshtml page. If link-3 is clicked than display content-3 from Page-1.cshtml in Visual.cshtml page. So the other case would be to use 3 different pages Page-1.cshtml, Page-2.cshtml, Page-3.cshtml.

How do I add a section to my landing page?

To add a section to your landing page, hover over it and click the plus icon. Then, the section will be added to your landing page. SeedProd also lets you keep your landing page similar to the rest of your website. Click on Global Settings.

What should be included in a landing page?

A newsletter sign-up form is often one of the key components of a landing page, as clients could be driving their audience to the page to collect leads. Once we have found our theme’s existing newsletter section, we can follow the same process of turning a dynamic section into a static section.

How to categorize a post in WordPress by category?

By default in WordPress, you can categorize your post. This feature is useful to find out in which category your posts belongs to. In WordPress, when a user clicks on one of the categories they will redirect to post listing page for that specific category. WordPress uses the following template files for posts listing of a category.

How to have different posts in different pages in WordPress?

Using this technique, you can have multiple posts belonging to a separate category – in fact, you can assign a single post to several categories if you want! Once you’ve created your categories and have placed a checkbox next to the one in which you want your post to be slotted, save your work.

Can you create a category page in WordPress?

A category page can include posts from a single category or multiple categories. Let’s follow our guide to display two kinds of category pages in WordPress. When a category is created, WordPress will automatically generate a page including posts from that category. In order to display that page, you just need to do some simple steps:

Can a category name be displayed in a hierarchy?

The way that it is currently, the category name will only be displayed if there is a post assigned with that category. I think that a potential bigger challenge would be to display the categories in a hierarchy (indenting the sub-categories).

How can I check if a post is within a given category?

Checks if the current post is within any of the given categories. The given categories are checked against the post’s categories’ term_ids, names and slugs. Categories given as integers will only be checked against the post’s categories’ term_ids.

How do you add a category to a post in WordPress?

If you need to add a new category while you’re editing a post, just click the Add New Category link below the list of your existing categories. You can also add a category directly from the Posts » Categories screen. Type in a name for your new category and add a slug.

How to add categories to menu bar in WordPress?

To add the category link to your menu bar, go to Appearance > Menus and then select or create the menu you wish to add the category link to. Then click on Custom Links. Paste in the category url into the URL box and then title the link. Then click Add to Menu.

How can I ask in my WP template, if have _ posts contains posts from a certain category?

Question was in short: How can i ask in my WP template, IF the whole array of have_posts contains any post from a certain category I programmed my tag page so that the output is seperated into three styled boxes according to the categories. The loop is done three times and with an IF i sort out the categories.

How do you add a category in WordPress?

Adding categories in WordPress is a fairly simple task. You are literally two steps away from categorizing your content. As well as the Post creating, to add a new category, you’ll just have to hover the mouse over the Posts button. Then click on Categories.

How to display number of posts on WordPress page?

Although you can get any number of posts by passing a number to ‘posts_per_page’, we usually display limited posts per page and then use pagination to get the next and previous set of posts. In order to integrate the pagination, you need to install and activate the WP-PageNavi plugin.

Can you add posts to more than one category in WordPress?

I hope that headline is self-explanatory… but make sure you add the post to the category that you’re using to pull posts onto the page. Yes, you CAN put the post in multiple categories, just as long as one of them is the category that you chose earlier.

How to get a list of WordPress posts?

Write the code below to get a list of posts under the ‘WordPress’ category. In the above code, I used the ‘category_name’ => ‘wordpress’. Here ‘wordpress’ is the slug of a category. The user can also pass the category id instead of category_name.

Is there a way to add popular posts to WordPress?

With that said, let’s take a look at how to add popular posts in WordPress without a plugin. In this method, you’ll need to add code to your WordPress files. If you haven’t done this before, then check out our beginner’s guide to pasting snippets from the web into WordPress.

How to list posts from one category in PHP?

Open the plugin php file in a text editor and add the category id values you wish to exclude to the $cats_to_exlude string. This is on line 14. To list the posts from a specific category on a page I installed and activated the List Category Posts plugin.

Where do I Find my categories in WordPress?

To find the category page, you simply need to go to Posts » Categories » View page and click on the ‘View’ link below a category. That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily display recent posts by category in different areas of your website.

How to create a category page template for your blog using?

Delete the default body content and click the “Use Dynamic Content” icon and select the option “Post/Archive Title. Once the Post/Archive Title element is in place, open the settings by clicking the gear icon.

How to assign a template to a WordPress page?

Create a file template-category.php in your active theme’s directory and add the below comment at the top of a file. Next, go to your WordPress dashboard, create the page where you want to display posts. Assign the above template to this newly created page. There is another method to assign a template file to your WordPress page.

Is there a plugin for related posts in WordPress?

There are many great WordPress related posts plugins but one of the most popular ones is the “Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)”. This plugin uses advanced code to formulate your related posts and it has various options you can use to customize things, plus there is a Pro version available you can purchase for added features.

Where do I find the number of posts in a category?

Posts – The number of posts which are members of the Category. Click on the number in the Posts column to be directed to the All Posts Screen to manage the Posts in that Category. The Screen Options allow you to choose which columns are displayed, or not displayed, in the underlying Table.

How can I add more categories to my blog?

The posts from the category will be displayed as a list. If you want to add more categories, you have two options. You can use + (AND) or , (OR) between categories. Remember that you can also use the category names instead of the IDs.

How to display number of posts per page?

Set to 0 to use the maximum number of posts per page. Set to -1 to remove the limit. The default: 5; To display 10 posts use as numberposts=10] date – Display post’s date next to the title. The default is ‘no’; to activate it use date=yes. author – Display the post’s author next to the title.