How to play tic tac toe in JavaScript?

How to play tic tac toe in JavaScript?

The final assignment in my computer science class is to write a game of Tic-Tac-Toe in JavaScript. The game works by clicking on cells within a table and using a function () to switch the img source (a blank image until clicked on) to an X or an O.

How does win detection work in JavaScript tictactoe?

I’ve authored my win-detection code in a manner where all possible winning positions are pre-defined, and the Array representing the game board is converted into an array of two strings (one per player), so each of the strings has the cells indices of which this particular player had selected.

How to declare a winner in tictactoe Stack Overflow?

The easy parts are the rows and columns, simply for loop through each row/column and see if you get three matches, if you do, then you can declare a winner. if pic1, pic2, and pic3 are the same alert user X or O has won end the game. Repeat for row 2, and row 3. if pic1, pic4, and pic7 are the same alert user X or O has won end the game.

When to ignore expensive win check in tictactoe?

Ignore expensive win check if there are not enough pieces for a win to be possible (while following the rules). For example, the soonest a player could win on a 3×3 board is when marking the 5th square. Depending on which way you prefer the board to be represented.

The player who makes a straight 3-block chain wins the game. This game is built on the front-end using simple logic and validation checks only. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of some front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Run the index.html file by opening it in any browser. Attention reader! Don’t stop learning now.

How is a tic tac toe game built?

This tic tac toe game is built using the three basic front-end web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I’m going to show you the code for each and describe the role they play in creating the final game. Here are the three files: Let’s start with the head tag, shown below.

Who is the winner of tic tac toe?

Player-1 starts playing the game and both the players make their moves in consecutive turns. The player who makes a straight 3-block chain wins the game. This game is built on the front-end using simple logic and validation checks only.

Which is the most complex part of tic tac toe?

As should be expected, the JavaScript code is the most complex part of the tic tac toe game. I’m going to describe the basic structure and the artificial intelligence, but I’m not going to describe each and every function.

What is the table tag for tic tac toe?

We are using a table tag for representing our tic-tac-toe game board. The code is shown below:

What happens when you change the difficulty in tic tac toe?

When you click on the “Play Again” button, the board is cleared and you can play another round of tic tac toe. When you change the difficulty level, the game responds by making different moves in response to yours. The most important event we have to respond to is when a player clicks on a square.

How are the cells built in tic tac toe?

The cells of a Tic Tac Toe are built using nine div tags. All the div tags are grouped into a single div tag with id board. We are also assigning an ID to each of the cells. We are using 0 based indexing here. You will understand the reason when we jump to the JavaScript section.

How to check the result of tic tac toe?

Here comes the core of our Tic Tac Toe game, the result validation. Here we will check whether the game ended in a win, draw, or if there are still moves to be played. Let’s start by checking if the current player won the game. Take a minute to break this down before continuing as an exercise.

How to update game state in tic tac toe?

We’ll update our internal game state, and update our UI. We accept the currently clicked cell (the .target of our click event), and the index of the cell that has been clicked. Here comes the core of our Tic Tac Toe game, the result validation. Here we will check whether the game ended in a win, draw, or if there are still moves to be played.