How to plot a shapely object in cartopy?
Cartopy also handles Shapely objects well, but it uses a different system for CRS. To plot this data with CartoPy, we’ll first need to project it into a new CRS. We’ll use a CRS defined within CartoPy and use the GeoPandas to_crs method to make the transformation.
How to create shapefile with cartopy and folium?
First we will use cartopy’s shapereader to download (and cache) states shapefile with 50 meters resolution from the NaturalEarth. Now let’s create a list of a few states that we want to highlight.
What’s the difference between cartopy and geopandas?
Converting between GeoPandas and CartoPy for visualizing data. CartoPy is a Python library that specializes in creating geospatial visualizations. It has a slightly different way of representing Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) as well as constructing plots.
Is there a shapefilefeature class in cartopy-stack?
There is currently no ShapefileFeature class (though that would be easy enough to create, and would probably make a lot of sense) so if you really want to use the feature interface then there is a hoop to jump through:
How are collections of points implemented in shapely?
Collections of points are implemented by a MultiPoint class, collections of curves by a MultiLineString class, and collections of surfaces by a MultiPolygon class. These collections aren’t computationally significant, but are useful for modeling certain kinds of features.
What are the types of geometric objects in shapely?
The fundamental types of geometric objects implemented by Shapely are points, curves, and surfaces. Each is associated with three sets of (possibly infinite) points in the plane. The interior, boundary, and exterior sets of a feature are mutually exclusive and their union coincides with the entire plane 2.
Are there any coordinate system transformations in shapely?
Shapely does not support coordinate system transformations. All operations on two or more features presume that the features exist in the same Cartesian plane. Geometric objects are created in the typical Python fashion, using the classes themselves as instance factories.
What’s the difference between cartopy and geopandas plots?
CartoPy is a Python library that specializes in creating geospatial visualizations. It has a slightly different way of representing Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) as well as constructing plots. This example steps through a round-trip transfer of data between GeoPandas and CartoPy.
How does a geopandas work with a shapefile?
Many times, data loaded from shapefiles (or other vector formats) have their CRS embedded; loading these data using geopandas will make the CRS available in the .crs attribute of the GeoDataFrame (e.g. ). Geopandas expresses CRSs as EPSG codes. 2. Decide on Map Projection + Create Axes
Do you need cartopy to plot spatial data?
The only requirement that cartopy has for plotting spatial (vector) data is that it’s loaded into a Shapely geometry class (e.g. shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.Point — these were covered in the GeoHackWeek Vector tutorial, so we won’t go into detail here).