How to redirect ex command output into current buffer or file?
For example, I want to read the contents of all the registers into the current buffer, which in ex mode is shown using :registers. The last command is very useful, since there are lots of options for redirection: to variables, to registers, how to append, further cornucopia.
How to redirect output to a new buffer in Vim?
If you find yourself redirecting many commands you may want to wrap up this up in a command: Now you can use the :Redir command to redirect the output to a new buffer. e.g. :Redir scriptnames or :Redir ls. Vim 8 ships with the new execute () function.
Is there a way to read redir into the buffer?
I still find it weird and annoying that it uses END that way, but since everything else that can follow redir has to start with a non-word-character, at least it’s not ambiguous. PS AFAIK (which is pretty far in this case) there’s no way to read it directly into the buffer: you have to store it in a register or a variable first.
How to get the output of the last command?
If all you want is to rerun your last command and get the output, a simple bash variable would work: This will spawn a new process and rerun your command, then give you the output. It sounds like what you would really like would be a bash history file for command output.
Is there way to read PS AFAIK into buffer?
PS AFAIK (which is pretty far in this case) there’s no way to read it directly into the buffer: you have to store it in a register or a variable first. Check the help for the various options of how to do that.
How to redirect standard output to a file?
Child reorganizes things so that file descriptor 1 (standard output) goes to the file. Usually, you can leave standard error alone; you might redirect standard input from /dev/null. Child then execs relevant command; said command runs and any standard output goes to the file (this is the basic shell I/O redirection).
How to open page in new tab using the response.redirect?
I want to open a new tab or a new page by using Response.Redirect in a button click handler. I’m using a query string to pass some values. How can I open he page in a new tab?