How to remove duplicates but keep the rest of the row values?

How to remove duplicates but keep the rest of the row values?

Click Data > Filter to disable Filter, and remove the formulas as you need. You can see all duplicates have been removed and the rest of values are kept in the row. In Excel, there is a VBA code that also can remove duplicates but keep rest of row values. 1. Press Alt + F11 keys to display Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2.

How to keep certain rows to repeat at top of every printed page in Excel?

You can keep certain row to repeat at top of every printed page of current worksheet with the Print Titles function in Excel. Please do as follows. 1. Click Page Layout > Print Titles. See screenshot: 2. In the Page Setup dialog box, click the button in the Rows to repeat at top box to select the row you need to repeat at top

When to drop Consecutive duplicates in pandas Stack Overflow?

For other Stack explorers, building off johnml1135’s answer above. This will remove the next duplicate from multiple columns but not drop all of the columns. When the dataframe is sorted it will keep the first row but drop the second row if the “cols” match, even if there are more columns with non-matching information.

Do you need to repeat the header row in a worksheet?

Usually, all data share the same header in a worksheet, if you print this worksheet, only the first page will include the header row. For making all printed out pages easy to read, you may need to keep the header row to repeat at top of them.

Is there a way to remove all duplicates in Excel?

Click at the Filter icon in Column D (the formula column), and check TUR E from the drop down list, see screenshot: 4. Click OK, and then all duplicates have been list, and select all of the duplicate values, press Delete key to remove them.

Is there a way to remove duplicates in pandas?

By default, it removes duplicate rows based on all columns. To remove duplicates on specific column (s), use subset. To remove duplicates and keep last occurrences, use keep.

Which is true or false for PANDAS drop duplicates?

keep{‘first’, ‘last’, False}, default ‘first’ Determines which duplicates (if any) to keep. – first : Drop duplicates except for the first occurrence. – last : Drop duplicates except for the last occurrence. – False : Drop all duplicates.

How to remove duplicates from list of objects based on property?

Closed 2 years ago. I am trying to remove duplicates from a List of objects based on some property. Can we remove duplicates from it based on id property of employee. I have seen posts removing duplicate strings form arraylist of string.

How to remove duplicates in the sitename column?

SELECT sites.siteName, sites.siteIP, FROM sites INNER JOIN history ON sites.siteName = history.siteName ORDER BY siteName,date How can I remove the duplicates in siteName column? I want to leave only the updated one based on date column.

How to remove duplicates from a list in Java?

List unique = () .collect (collectingAndThen (toCollection ( () -> new TreeSet<> (comparingInt (Employee::getId))), ArrayList::new)); Another idea could be to use a wrapper that wraps an employee and have the equals and hashcode method based with its id:

How to avoid duplicate posts with REST stack overflow?

Another solution that’s been proposed for this is POST Once Exactly (POE), in which the server generates single-use POST URIs that, when used more than once, will cause the server to return a 405 response.

How to detect duplicate data using the web API?

By default, duplicate detection is suppressed when you are updating records using the Web API. The example shown below attempts to update an existing lead entity record which includes the same value of emailaddress1 attribute as an existing record.

What should a RESTful API POST / DELETE response body?

This is NOT a duplicate of What should a RESTful API POST/DELETE return in the body? and What REST PUT/POST/DELETE calls should return by a convention? since this questions asks for a strict definition regarding DELETE. Those questions were only answered by loose opinions only.

How to remove blank lines from a file?

You can use sed command for removing blank lines: sed ‘/^$/d’ in > out This command deletes all empty lines from the file “in”