How to run xterm shell in the background?

How to run xterm shell in the background?

With respect to creating the separate shell, you’ll probably want to run it in the background so that you can continue to execute more commands in the current shell – independent of the separate one. In which case, just add the & operator: The wait command at the end will prevent your primary shell from exiting until the xterm shell does.

How to open xterm window and Run command in?

Most unixes and linux distributions provide xterm, but some old Fedora/RHEL/CentOS provide X without xterm, so it’s another dependency to think about. The command launched by xterm -e sudo — can then do the standard double-fork and setsid.

How to run a sudo command in xterm?

The command launched by xterm -e sudo –… can then do the standard double-fork and setsid. Once the user has entered his password in the xterm, it goes away immediately, but your command runs in the background with elevated privileges. It can connect back to the original program using a socket or fifo to run as a root co-process.

What happens when you enter password in xterm?

Once the user has entered his password in the xterm, it goes away immediately, but your command runs in the background with elevated privileges. It can connect back to the original program using a socket or fifo to run as a root co-process.

How to run xterm without terminating Stack Overflow?

Use hold option: xterm -hold -e -hold Turn on the hold resource, i.e., xterm will not immediately destroy its window when the shell command completes. It will wait until you use the window manager to destroy/kill the window, or if you use the menu entries that send a signal, e.g., HUP or KILL.

When does xterm-hold turn on the hold resource?

-hold Turn on the hold resource, i.e., xterm will not immediately destroy its window when the shell command completes. It will wait until you use the window manager to destroy/kill the window, or if you use the menu entries that send a signal, e.g., HUP or KILL.

How to use xterm-LS and-e simultaneously?

If you do want the effect of -ls and -e simultaneously, you may get away with something like xterm -e /bin/bash -l -c “my command here” Finally, -ls is not completely ignored, because xterm -ls -e does write a /var/run/wtmp entry (if configured to do so), whereas xterm -e does not.