- 1 How to set raster values to nodata easily?
- 2 How to set the extent of a raster?
- 3 How to set all pixels with value < = 0 to ” nodata “?
- 4 How is nodata stored in a geodatabase?
- 5 Where does the no data value come from in the calculator?
- 6 What does a nodata value on a cell mean?
- 7 Where do I find the nodata value in ArcGIS?
- 8 How is a raster dataset stored in a geodatabase?
- 9 How do you assign a cell to a nodata?
- 10 Are there any tools to convert raster data?
How to set raster values to nodata easily?
1. Run the Spatial Analyst -> Conditional -> Set Null tool 2. Set the input conditional raster to be the raster dataset which you want to change 3. Set the expression to VALUE = 9999 where 9999 is the value that you want to replace with NoData.
When to change nodata to no in Excel?
For example, if the data values in the raster calculator input layers range from 0 – 1000, replace NoData with 900000. Any cell in the output that has a value higher than that has a “NoData” cell in at least one of the input rasters. Then you can change those back to no data in the output once again using reclassify tool.
How to set the extent of a raster?
Try to apply Con (IsNull (“raster”), 0, “raster”) to the raster that has “NoData” value. To tell you in the detail, here is my explanation. First, You have to make sure that all rasters have the same extent as you desire (for instance, you can set the extent to the largest raster’s extent).
Why are nodata pixels set to zero in streams?
In this example all NoData pixels in the Streams are set to zero, otherwise they contain the pixel value found in the Streams dataset. As you have reclassified this raster I’ll assume that you have access to the Spatial Analyst extension, so will continue with instructions that require this extension.
How to set all pixels with value < = 0 to ” nodata “?
The following QGIS Raster Calculator expression should be sufficient (raster layer named “myraster”), since the QGIS Raster Calculator sets all pixels that do not satisfy the condition to nodata : The following solution is based on, and works for QGIS 2.8.3 with SAGA 2.1.2.
How to set all values to nodata in ArcGIS?
A number of Spatial Analyst tools can be used to identify which cell locations will be evaluated to true and which to false. In particular, the logical tools in the Math toolbox can be used, with the Test tool being particularly useful. Similarly, Set Null is often used to change all values that meet a specified condition to NoData.
How is nodata stored in a geodatabase?
For example, -9999 is a common value for storing NoData. In ArcSDE and file geodatabases, if the original raster data contains NoData cells, a bit mask will be generated when loading the raster, and it will be stored in the database. The bit mask will be read, and NoData areas will be extracted at the time of retrieval.
How are nodata values converted to other values?
Various spatial analysis applications require raster NoData cells to be factored into an analytical operation. Since NoData cells are ignored in any analysis, such requirements can only be met if those cells have a specific value assigned to them. ArcGIS offers a couple options to convert NoData values to another constant, such as zero.
Where does the no data value come from in the calculator?
As you can see, we can use the calculator not only to do simple algebraic operations, but also to run more complex calculation involving conditional sentences, like the one above. The result has a value of 1 inside the range we want to work with, and no-data in cells outside of it. The no-data value comes from the 0/0 expression.
Can you add another value to a raster value?
Your approach used to work fine in old versions of Arc but not now. You can around this by adding in another value (set to be identical to the old one). One value is usually sufficient unless you have floating point values, in which case I would add the highest and lowest original values (set to be the same as their original value).
What does a nodata value on a cell mean?
Cell values can be either positive or negative, integer, or floating point. Cells can also have a NoData value to represent the absence of data. Sometimes there are homogeneous areas in a raster dataset that the you do not want to display. These can include borders, backgrounds, or other data considered to not have valid values.
Why are there homogeneous areas in a raster dataset?
Sometimes there are homogeneous areas in a raster dataset that the you do not want to display. These can include borders, backgrounds, or other data considered to not have valid values. Sometimes these are expressed as NoData values, although other times they may have real values.
Where do I find the nodata value in ArcGIS?
In the ArcCatalog or the Catalog window, right-click the raster dataset and click Properties. On the General tab, under Raster Information is the NoData Value. Click the Edit button. The NoData Editor dialog box is opened.
How to create a raster dataset in ArcGIS Pro?
The output raster dataset. The folder or geodatabase to store the raster dataset. The name, location and format for the dataset you are creating. When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset.
How is a raster dataset stored in a geodatabase?
When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset. When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, a TIFF file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression Type and Compression Quality in the Environment Settings. The cell size for the new raster dataset.
How to store raster data in a JPEG file?
When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, a TIFF file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression Type and Compression Quality in the Environment Settings. The cell size for the new raster dataset. The bit-depth (radiometric resolution) of the output raster dataset.
How do you assign a cell to a nodata?
There are two ways to assign the cell value in a raster dataset to be NoData—using the Set Null tool or through the raster dataset’s Properties dialog box. You can also remove a value from being NoData using the raster dataset’s Properties dialog box.
How to set a value to nodata in Map Algebra?
The equivalent using an expression in Map Algebra is as follows: The image below uses an input raster ( InRas1) as the condition. When the value for a cell on InRas1 is true (not 0 or NoData), NoData is assigned to that cell location; otherwise, the value in InRas2 is written as the output value.
Are there any tools to convert raster data?
There are several geoprocessing tools allowing you to convert from each of these options. Merges all of the raster datasets in a folder into one raster dataset. Mosaics the contents of a raster catalog into a new raster dataset. Loads all the raster datasets stored in the same workspace into an existing raster catalog.