How to show base price in j2store?

How to show base price in j2store?

Show Base/Regular Price If advanced pricing option is used, i.e., a discount is offered on base price, it can be displayed using this option by setting it to ‘Yes’. It will show the base price in striked out format. Example: In J2Store we can set the base price for the product and we can also offer some discount on base price.

What are the pros and cons of j2store?

Pros: J2Store offers an easy-to-setup online store in the Joomla CMS, somewhat similar to Woocommerce on WordPress. In my opinion, Joomla is still superior to WP so I turned to J2Store which has a lot of functionalities and more available for free or paid plugins.

How does j2store load its own CSS file?

If this option is enabled, J2store loads the j2store.css file for customizing the template style. First, this will look in to the template CSS file. If it is not included, then J2Store loads it own J2Store.css file.

What does SKU stand for in j2store configuration?

** SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. If this option is set to ‘No’, the SKU will become hidden in both product and cart views. **CAUTION: **SKU Show/Hide setting can be done in two places, i.e., in configuration setup and in product layout.

Why does j2store save the Order as new?

So J2Store saves the order as NEW. When a payment is successfully made, the order status will be set to CONFIRMED. So by looking at the order status, you can differentiate which orders are paid which are not. There is a marketing opportunity as well. You can follow up with the unpaid customers and convert them. Grid layout not working/columns.Why?

How to add donation option to j2store cart?

So go to j2store -> catalog ->options. Create a New option. Save. Open your product (simple should work good). Go to J2Store Cart – Options. Search for the donation option you just created. Add it and save. J2Store is a B2C solution where you can maintain only one store. It does not support multi-store system.

Where can I find the j2store CSS file?

If it is not included, then J2Store loads it own J2Store.css file. NOTE: Copy the original CSS file from /media/j2store/css/j2store.css to your template’s css folder. Otherwise, you will have to style every element from scratch. The original j2store.css will get you started quickly. You can then append / change existing styles.