How to specify a multi-line shell variable?

How to specify a multi-line shell variable?

However, this post comes up among the first results when searching for multi-line shell variables and an additional answer seemed appropriate. Thanks to dimo414’s answer to a similar question, this shows how his great solution works, and shows that you can have quotes and variables in the text easily as well:

How to write multiple line string using Bash?

The heredoc solutions are certainly the most common way to do this. Other common solutions are: printf “%s ” “line1, $ {kernel}” “line2,” “line3, $distro” Below mechanism helps in redirecting multiple lines to file. Keep complete string under ” so that we can redirect values of the variable.

How to insert multiple lines into a file using shell script?

I want to insert multiple lines into a file using shell script. Let us consider my input file contents are: input.txt: Now I have to insert four lines after the line ‘cdef’ in the input.txt file. After inserting my file should change like this: The above insertion I should do using the shell script. Can any one help me?

When to use sed to insert lines after match?

And this might have slight variations depending on your POSIX compliance, but if you want to insert multiple lines, you can use ‘ ’ as shown below. (insert after match)

How to assign a variable with commands output?

So the help I need is actually syntactic regarding assigning a variable with commands output plus including other variables within those commands. Hope that’s alright.. THANKS ! Please note that tr will replace all matching characters, so if your input includes “A”, it will replace all “A” with ” ” in all file names returned by ls.

What does tr replace all matching characters with?

THANKS ! Please note that tr will replace all matching characters, so if your input includes “A”, it will replace all “A” with ” ” in all file names returned by ls. There is a much cleaner solution. You want to find all files, exclude files matching the input and print what is left.