How to throw an exception in Salesforce developer community?
You have to create your own Exception class like this: // Optional catch statements for other exception types. // must be the last catch block when it is used. Thanks but I’m not trying to re-throw an existing exception but throw a brand new one. I want to do something like:
How to get an error message from an apex controller?
This JavaScript controller code handles the AuraHandledException thrown by the Apex controller. When an Apex controller throws an AuraHandledException, the response state in the JavaScript controller is set to ERROR and you can get the error message by processing response.getError ().
What happens when you throw an aurahandledexception in apex?
When you use an AuraHandledException you have an opportunity to add some detail back into the response returned to your client-side code. More importantly, you can choose a better message to show your users. Here’s an example of creating and throwing an AuraHandledException in response to bad input.
How does the catch statement work in Salesforce?
Each catch statement must have a unique exception type. Also, once a particular exception type is caught in one catch block, the remaining catch blocks, if any, aren’t executed. The finally statement identifies a block of code that is guaranteed to execute and allows you to clean up your code.
Can you throw apex exceptions in Salesforce Drillers?
Since you cannot throw salesforce built-in Apex exceptions but can only catch them, you can create custom exceptions to throw in your methods as per your requirement. That way, you can also specify detailed error messages and have much more custom exception handling in your defined catch blocks.
Do you have to have a catch block in Salesforce?
// At least the catch block or the finally block must be present. At least a catch block or a finally block must be present with a try block. The following is the syntax of a try-catch block. The following is the syntax of a try-finally block. This is a skeletal example of a try-catch-finally block.