How to use layer definitions in a map?

How to use layer definitions in a map?

This sample demonstrates how to use layer definitions to limit the information from a layer that gets displayed on the map. To appreciate what this sample does, it’s helpful to look at the Services Directory page for the ESRI_Census_USA service used in this map. Examine the list of layers in the map.

How are edits tracked on a hosted feature layer?

If you choose to track edits on a hosted feature layer, edits are tracked for all editable views you create from the hosted feature layer. If the feature layer is shared with the public, you must enable Public Data Collection on the layer before you can enable editing.

Can you edit a hosted layer in map viewer classic?

If the layer is not public, anonymous users cannot access it. You can open any hosted feature layer you own in Map Viewer Classic with editing enabled. You can do this regardless of whether the feature layer is editable by other people. This allows you to use a single feature layer for both public display and internal edits.

How to upload data as a layer in Google Maps?

You should now see your data as a layer in the menu, and your points plotted on the map. If you’d like to change the name of this layer in the menu, just select the text of the layer name (the default will be the file name). For this example, change the layer name to Sightings: 9/8/2012 to 2/22/2013. Now let’s upload the second data layer.

What does the array of layerdrawingoptions do?

Sets the layer definitions used to filter the features of individual layers in the map service. Array of LayerDrawingOptions used to override the way layers are drawn. Returns the available layers in service and their default visibility. Returns the current layer time options if applicable. Set if the layer failed to load.

How to set the maximum scale for a layer?

Sets the time-related options for the layer. Set the maximum scale for the layer. Set the minimum scale for the layer. Sets the opacity of the layer. Changes the layer’s refresh interval to the given value (in minutes). Set the scale range for the layer. Determine if the layer will update its content based on the map’s current time extent.

Which is the default unit of the layer in ArcGIS?

Default units of the layer as defined by the service. URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a map service. When true, the image is saved to the server, and a JSON formatted response is sent to the client with the URL location of the image.