How to use TTF fonts in SDL2?

How to use TTF fonts in SDL2?

In this article, we learned how to use the SDL_ttf to render text using TTF fonts in SDL2. Using the SDL_ttf library in a project was just the same as with SDL_image. To actually use fonts, we first rendered text to a surface, then passed it to a texture, and finally to the GPU.

Can a texture affect the performance of SDL?

Yes, creating textures every frame can affect performance. Also, rasterizing TrueType fonts to SDL_Surfaces (as SDL_ttf does) every frame can affect performance. I recommend SDL_FontCache (full disclosure: I’m the author).

How to render text in SDL2 [ Stack Overflow ]?

Yes it is. You create a surface with the text you want and then convert it to a texture that you can render. This assumes you’ve properly initialized SDL_ttf and loaded a font. In the example score is an int. The screen gets cleared and rendered to somewhere else (I didn’t include that part).

Can a SDL texture be used in OpenGL?

SDL supports OpenGL well, and you can even use both GL and SDL textures in a single program, if you are already using SDL textures in your program, e.g.:

What are the parameters of TTF _ openfont ( )?

TTF_OpenFont () takes two parameters. The first is the path to the TrueType Font (TTF) that it needs to load. The second is the font size (in points, not pixels). In this case we’re loading Arial with a size of 25. A font is a resource like any other, so we need to free the resources it uses near the end:

How to set up SDL _ image in SDL2?

Setting it up is almost identical to how we set up SDL_image in “ Loading Images in SDL2 with SDL_image “. You need to download the Visual C++ development libraries from the SDL_ttf homepage: Then, extract the lib and include folders over the ones you have in your sdl2 folder.

What does SDL _ querytexture ( ) do in Visual Studio?

We used SDL_QueryTexture () to obtain the dimensions of the texture, so that we could render the text in exactly as much space as it needed. We also learned how we can set up our project to use the same path regardless of whether we’re running from Visual Studio or directly from the executable.

Which is the last argument in SDL TTF?

If you pass a non-zero value as the second argument the memory used by the SDL_RWops struct is automatically freed before the function returns. The third and last argument is the point size. The final function does the same thing as the previous one, but loads a specific font face from the SDL_RWops struct.

What is the color of the box in SDL TTF?

The color of this box is the bg (background) color you pass to the function. If you’re unsure what anti-aliased means, it’s when an image (like text) is surrounded at its edges by pixels shaded roughly the same color as that part of the image.

Which is the first font in a SDL file?

A font index of 0 is always the first font in the file. You may or may not have seen the SDL_RWops struct before. It is an undocumented feature of SDL and so is rarely seen (I personally have never seen nor used it). It is capable of taking a pointer to memory where some data is stored, but files are supported too.

What is the null pointer in SDL TTF?

SDL_Surface *TTF_RenderText_Solid(TTF_Font *font, const char *text, SDL_Color fg) Font to render the text with. A NULL pointer is not checked. The LATIN1 null terminated string to render.

Which is the second parameter in SDL TTF?

The second parameter to TTF_SetFontOutline is the outline width in pixels. Passing zero turns outlines off. The second function simply returns the current outline width. SDL_ttf also allows you to turn kerning on and off.

Where is the SDL _ TTF file located in GCC?

Note: Some systems may not have the SDL_ttf library and include file in the same place as the SDL library and includes are located, in that case you will need to add more -I and -L paths to these command lines. All examples are gcc and perhaps UNIX specific, but adaptable to many compilers and Operating Systems.