Is AJAX good for SEO?

Is AJAX good for SEO?

websites that use AJAX to load content into the page can be much quicker and provide a better user experience. BUT: these websites can be difficult (or impossible) for Google to crawl, and using AJAX can damage the site’s SEO.

Does Google support AJAX?

Why does Google no longer support the AJAX crawling scheme? Google stopped officially crawling #! URLs in the summer of 2018. They have stopped supporting this scheme as Googlebot can now render AJAX websites using the web rendering service (WRS).

Does Google index AJAX loaded?

By default, search engines won’t try to crawl and index the contents loaded in Ajax. So using this technology potentially places you at a major disadvantage as regards effective SEO. Google first introduced a method to facilitate the discovery of Ajax content back in 2009: this was the so-called « hash-bang » method.

What is SEO4Ajax?

SEO4Ajax is a service that makes your Ajax/JavaScript/SPA site indexable from Google, other search engines and social networks. Prerender and SEO4Ajax can be primarily classified as “SEO for Javascript” tools.

Does Google crawl JavaScript generated content?

We ran a series of tests that verified Google is able to execute and index JavaScript with a multitude of implementations. We also confirmed Google is able to render the entire page and read the DOM, thereby indexing dynamically generated content.

Is Ember SEO friendly?

Ember SEO Considerations Ember has challenges similar to other SPA (single page application) frameworks such as Angular or React, like getting its pages indexed quickly by Google. Prerender® is compatible with Ember and requires no extra development time!

Is next JS SEO-friendly?

Most importantly, I’ve found that NextJS is very SEO-friendly. This framework allows you to utilise server-side rendering, which not only makes your apps and websites load considerably faster, but also makes your React websites much easier for search engines to crawl.