Is const supported in IE11?

Is const supported in IE11?

IE11 and above supports const but IE10 and below do not. If you attempt to use const in any browser that does not support it, you will get a syntax error. If you must support older browsers, you cannot use const unless you use a transpiler to compile your code down into ES5.

Does IE support const?

Internet Explorer browser version 11 supports JAVASCRIPT const.

Does Javascript let work in IE?

Internet Explorer browser version 11 partially supports JAVASCRIPT let and partial support for Internet Explorer refers ot supporting an older version of the web browser.

What version of javascript does IE11 support?

Internet Explorer 11 doesn’t support JavaScript versions later than ES5. If you want to use the syntax and features of ECMAScript 2015 or later, or TypeScript, you have two options as described in this article.

Can I use let const?

const and let are blocked scoped and if you try to use variable declared with let or const before the declaration you’ll get a ReferenceError. Finally the difference between let and const is that once you’ve assigned a value to const , you can’t reassign it, but with let , you can.

Does IE11 support Arrow functions?

Arrow functions are not supported in IE11 or earlier. …

What is latest JavaScript version?

ES2015 is the latest version of JavaScript programming language. It is the first major upgrade to JavaScript since 1997. It was approved in June 2015 by ECMA international, an association responsible for approving ECMA standards which programming languages like JavaScript, CoffeeScript and TypeScript follows.

Is it possible to use const in IE10?

IE11 and above supports const but IE10 and below do not. If you attempt to use const in any browser that does not support it, you will get a syntax error. If you must support older browsers, you cannot use const unless you use a transpiler to compile your code down into ES5. Babel is a good example of such a transpiler.

Why is my next deployment not working in IE11?

Next deployments should work in IE11. My Next deployment does not work in IE11. for (const e of Object.keys (o)) I looked online, and apparently IE11 doesn’t allow const or let in for loops, like for (const var …. I removed all these for (const and for (let forms from my code and redeployed, but got the same result.

Can you use JavaScript const in Internet Explorer?

IE11 and above supports const but IE10 and below do not. If you attempt to use const in any browser that does not support it, you will get a syntax error. If you must support older browsers, you cannot use const unless you use a transpiler to compile your code down into ES5.

Can you use const in an older browser?

If you attempt to use const in any browser that does not support it, you will get a syntax error. If you must support older browsers, you cannot use const unless you use a transpiler to compile your code down into ES5. Babel is a good example of such a transpiler.