Is it better to make your PHP code run faster?

Is it better to make your PHP code run faster?

If you’re a serious PHP programmer, then read on! Conventional wisdom seems to dictate that making your code faster is a waste of developer time. I think it makes you a better programmer to occasionally optimize something in a language that you normally work with.

Which is the best debugger to use for PHP?

The two main debuggers for PHP are Zend and Xdebug, which can both profile your code. I have xdebug installed, which is the free debugger, and I use the Eclipse IDE, which is the free IDE.

Is there a way to iterate over a string in PHP?

This is the simplest way to add UTF-8 support when iterating strings, is commonly suggested, and is a bad idea. If you have an ASCII string in PHP and want to iterate over each byte, the idiomatic way to do it is with a for loop which indexes into the string, something like this:

How can I improve the performance of my PHP application?

Before you start designing a PHP application, run benchmarks on your hardware and software to determine your performance parameters. This information can guide your coding by helping you weigh the risks and benefits of specific trade-offs.

When did PHP start to improve its performance?

Over the past two decades, the PHP Development Team has overseen many advancements in PHP’s performance, most notably with the introduction of the Zend Engine in 1999. PHP 4, which was released in 2000, included an in-memory compiler and executor model that enabled PHP to be used for creating dynamic web applications.

How to make PHP code run in polynomial time?

The idiomatic PHP for iterating over a multi-byte string one character at a time would be: Since mb_substr needs to parse UTF-8 from the start of the string each time it is called, the second snippet runs in polynomial time, where the snippet that calls substr in a loop is linear.