Is it possible to create an instance of an abstract class?

Is it possible to create an instance of an abstract class?

No, you cannot create an instance of an abstract class because it does not have a complete implementation. The purpose of an abstract class is to function as a base for subclasses. It acts like a template, or an empty or partially empty structure, you should extend it and build on it before you can use it.

Can you create an instance of an abstract class Why or why not?

No you can’t, instead you can create instance of all other classes extending that abstract class. Because it’s abstract and an object is concrete. An abstract class is sort of like a template, or an empty/partially empty structure, you have to extend it and build on it before you can use it.

How do I use an abstract class in Salesforce?

To create abstract class, we need to use abstract definition modifier. Allow to extend the child class. Abstract class can contain methods signed as abstract, to clarify, it is a method that has only a signature (body is not defined). Child class must implement all methods declared as abstract!

What is abstract class in Salesforce?

abstract classes can contain methods that don’t require an override and methods that do require an override, since it can contain methods that do require and override it must be extended to be constructed. useful if you want to share code among several closely related classes that impliment a common interface.

What is the difference between abstract class and virtual class?

Virtual methods have an implementation and provide the derived classes with the option of overriding it. Abstract methods do not provide an implementation and force the derived classes to override the method. So, abstract methods have no actual code in them, and subclasses HAVE TO override the method.

How to create an abstract class in Salesforce?

To create abstract class, we need to use abstract definition modifier. Allow to extend the child class. Abstract class can contain methods signed as abstract, to clarify, it is a method that has only a signature (body is not defined). Child class must implement all methods declared as abstract!

What’s the difference between interface and abstract classes?

Interface is an apex class that can contain only method signature, as a result, the body of each method must be empty. An apex class that is using the interface must implement all methods listed in the interface. Interface separates the specific method declaration from its implementation.

What’s the difference between abstract class and virtual class?

Abstract class can contain methods signed as abstract, to clarify, it is a method that has only a signature (body is not defined). Child class must implement all methods declared as abstract! Abstract class can also include other methods, which have the logic.