Is Redux a cache?

Is Redux a cache?

Redux is not a Cache We fetch data, add it to our store with a reducer/action, and refetch it periodically to make sure it’s up to date. This is one of the downsides of the client-server model and why we need a cache in the first place.

What is cache in Apollo?

apollo-cache-inmemory is the default cache implementation for Apollo Client 2.0. InMemoryCache is a normalized data store that supports all of Apollo Client 1.0’s features without the dependency on Redux.

Is Redux slow?

Here’s a short guide, along with a few examples. When optimizing applications that use Redux with react, I often hear people saying that Redux is slow. In 99% of cases, the cause for bad performance (this goes for any other framework) is linked to unnecessary rendering, since DOM updates are expensive!

How do you test an Apollo cache?

Testing an Apollo Client mutation effect on the cache

  1. Run your app in development mode ( process. env.
  2. Get to the specific state of the app that you want to test.
  3. Grab the Apollo cache state from the InMemoryCache by running JSON. stringify(__APOLLO_CLIENT__.
  4. Copy the output from the console, paste it in a . js or .

How do you invalidate Apollo cache?

When we have access to the cache object we can call cache. data. delete(key) where key is the key that Apollo is using to store the data for a specific item. And the record will be entirely deleted from the cache.

When does the useeffect hook run after render?

This may sound strange at first, but effects defined with useEffect are invoked after render. To be more specific, it runs both after the first render and after every update. In contrast to lifecycle methods, effects don’t block the UI because they run asynchronously.

What are the dependencies of the useeffect hook?

Dependencies are array items provided as the optional second argument of the useEffect call. Array values must be from the component scope (i.e., props, state, context, or values derived from the aforementioned). After execution of every effect, scheduling of new effects occurs based on every effect’s dependencies.

When to use the useeffect hook in JavaScript?

Array values must be from the component scope (i.e., props, state, context, or values derived from the aforementioned). After execution of every effect, scheduling of new effects occurs based on every effect’s dependencies. If an effect does not specify a dependency array at all, it means that this effect is executed after every render cycle.

What’s the difference between a hook and a component?

The difference with Hooks here is subtle: you do not do something after the component is mounted, you do something after the component is first presented to the user. As others have noted, Hooks force you to think more from the user’s perspective.