Is there a Unicode math package for XeLaTeX?

Is there a Unicode math package for XeLaTeX?

The UNICODE-MATH package. This package provides an implementation of Unicode/OpenType mathematics for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. While I am a little wary of encouraging people to use this package for production work, I understand that it has certain uses and am making it available for distribution.

What kind of packages do I need for LuaLaTeX?

As well as running XeTeX or LuaTeX, this package requires recent versions of the lm-math, fontspec, expl3, xpackages, and lualatex-math packages. I write LaTeX code as a hobby and a passion, not as part of my day job.

Do you need LuaTeX to do LaTeX math?

Most LaTeX math should still work after this. (Let me know if it doesn’t.) Furthermore, it will be in a different font. As well as running XeTeX or LuaTeX, this package requires recent versions of the lm-math, fontspec, expl3, xpackages, and lualatex-math packages.

How to use Unicode in LaTeX by LuaTeX or XeTeX?

The goal of this post is to gradually build up minimal examples for making Unicode text work in LaTeX documents by using LuaTeX or XeTeX. In the end, we will have produced PDF files containing CJK text (Chinese, Japanese, Korean or hangul text).

What happens to broken letters in LuaTeX and XeTeX?

According to my test, with XeLaTeX, broken letters are displayed as spaces, but with LuaLaTeX, broken letters are just gone. Now add the following line to the preamble and try again (we are specifying a font now):

Who is the maintainer of Unicode math package?

The unicode-math package may be modified and distributed under the terms and conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or greater. This work is maintained by Will Robertson and consists of the files listed in

Where can I find Unicode math on GitHub?

Further information on the details surrounding the development of the package can be found in the file in the Github repository. The unicode-math package may be modified and distributed under the terms and conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or greater.