Useful tips for everyday
Which is better ANOVA or t test? There is a thin line of demarcation amidst t-test and ANOVA, i.e. when the population means of only…
Why do I get convergence error with coxphfitter? However, when I fit my cox model using the sklearn adapter, I get a convergence error. Inexplicably,…
What happens when t test assumptions are violated? If the assumption of normality is violated, or outliers are present, then the paired t test may…
How is R-squared related to standard deviation? 2 Answers. R-squared measures how well the regression line fits the data. This is why higher R-squared values…
What is the idea behind the conjoint analysis? Conjoint analysis is a form of statistical analysis that firms use in market research to understand how…
What does higher AIC mean? Since the AIC scales linearly with the number of parameters it is easily possible to get a high AIC score.…
How do you reduce collinearity in regression? How to Deal with Multicollinearity Remove some of the highly correlated independent variables. Linearly combine the independent variables,…
How to write Bayesian multiple regression for logistic regression? In general, one writes μi = β0 + β1xi, 1 + β2xi, 2 + ⋯ +…
What are the problems of online education? Online Learning Challenges Faced by Students #1 Online Learning Challenges – Adaptability. #2 Online Learning Challenges – Technical…
How do you interpret the intraclass correlation coefficient? A flowchart showing readers how to interpret ICC in published studies. Values less than 0.5 are indicative…