Useful tips for everyday
How do you calculate a square error? General steps to calculate the MSE from a set of X and Y values: Find the regression line.…
How is nested cross validation used in scikit-learn? Nested Cross-Validation With Scikit-Learn It is common to evaluate machine learning models on a dataset using k-fold…
What is Heckman selection model? The Heckman (1976) selection model, sometimes called the Heckit model, is a method for estimating regression models which suffer from…
How do you choose a final model after cross-validation? Cross Validation is mainly used for the comparison of different models. For each model, you may…
How do you know if a test is uniformly most powerful? A test in class C, with power function β(θ), is a uniformly most powerful…
How are linear mixed effects models used in neuroscience? Linear mixed-effects models (LMMs) are increasingly being used for data analysis in cognitive neuroscience and experimental…
Is it possible to predict a white noise process? If a time series is white noise, it is a sequence of random numbers and cannot…
Should you cluster standard errors when estimating ate at which level? Using that variance estimator may lead researchers to substantially overreject the null of no…
How do you find the relationship between categorical and continuous variables? There are three big-picture methods to understand if a continuous and categorical are significantly…
How do you standardize beta? Despite the name, it isn’t actually the coefficients that get standardized, but the variables. Betas are calculated by subtracting the…