Useful tips for everyday
How do you scale everything in Illustrator? To scale from the center, choose Object > Transform > Scale or double-click the Scale tool . To…
What is ragged right justification? ragged right A text margin treatment in which all lines begin hard against the left-hand margin but are allowed to…
How do you crop a picture to fit in a shape? On the Picture Format tab, click the arrow next to Crop. If you don’t…
How do you do two color gradients in Inkscape? To have more than two colors on a gradient, just double-click on the gradient base path…
How do you calculate elevation gain? DISTANCE TRAVELED = the amount of distance you walk that registers on the treadmill console almost always reads as…
Which coordinate gives positions east to west? Most horizontal datums assign the equator as a zero line of latitude. The equator is where we measure…
What is 3D modeling GIS? What is 3D GIS? 3D GIS brings enhanced depth into data collection and analysis by incorporating a z-value into mapping.…
What is the purpose of network analysis? Networks comprise graphical representations of the relationships (edges) between variables (nodes). Network analysis provides the capacity to estimate…
How do I add data to ERDAS IMAGINE? Go to Import from the main ERDAS Imagine toolbar. Select Import, Type: Geotiff, Media: File, then select…
How salt and pepper noise can be removed? Salt-and-pepper noise is a form of noise sometimes seen on images. An effective noise reduction method for…