Useful tips for everyday
How do you put data in a query? There are two basic syntaxes of the INSERT INTO statement which are shown below. INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME…
How do I load Google Charts on my computer? After loading the loader, you can call the google.charts.load function one or more times to load…
How do I make my footer stick to the bottom when page content is less? Footer needs to stick to bottom when content is less…
How to display images inline in Stack Overflow? Each image has a title element absolutely positioned at the bottom of the picture. I am trying…
How do I remove product variations? How to remove all products variations at all? In the Filter select product type ‘variable’ and filter by it.…
How do I link CSS to head in HTML? You can link this external file (. css file) to your HTML document file using the…
How much does it cost for a payment gateway? Payment Gateway – Price Comparison Payment Gateway Set-up fee Annual Maintenance Fee CCAvenue Nil (Basic pack)…
How do I change the default favicon? Use an ICO image as a favicon In Service Studio, go to the Data tab > Resources, select…
How do I give my screen a size in CSS? CSS height and width Examples Set the height and width of a element: div {…
How do I open ports in Google cloud? Go to the Firewall page in the Google Cloud Console. Click Create firewall rule. Enter a Name…