Useful tips for everyday
Can you make Chess with JavaScript? Chess is a great game. As a fun side project, I have implemented a simple chess AI using JavaScript.…
How do you write a palindrome program in Python? Palindrome Program str = ‘JaVaJ’ strstr = str.casefold() # This string is reverse. rev = reversed(str)…
How do you implement Rock Paper Scissors? Code your own rock paper scissors game. Take in user input with input() Play several games in a…
How to create procedural worlds from simple tiles? A naive algorithm for creating tilings would exhaustively search the space of tilings and run in exponential…
When to use DTOs instead of API model? Decouplepersistence models from API models. DTOs can be tailoredto your needs and they are great when exposing…
How do you check if a given string contains valid parentheses in C? // C program to check the balanced parenthesis. printf(“\nEnter an expression”); scanf(“%s”,…
Where do I put AdSense pin? Enter your PIN to verify your payment address Sign in to your AdSense account. On your AdSense homepage, find…
What is Java programming examples? Fibonacci Series in Java. Prime Number Program in Java. Palindrome Program in Java. Factorial Program in Java. Armstrong Number in…
Is reinventing the wheel good? Reinventing the wheel is a great way to learn how a wheel works, but it is not a good way…
How to check if a string is a repeated substring? To accomplish this, we’ll make use of the theorem which says that if String A…