Useful tips for everyday
Why does my screen say 503 service unavailable? The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is…
Which of the following is an error function used within catch block? Which of the following is an Error function used within CATCH block? Explanation:…
How do I create a Tron smart contract? TRON Studio Step 0: Download the TRON Studio source code. Being an open source platform, the source…
How do I manually install fonts in Windows 10? How to Install and Manage Fonts in Windows 10 Open the Windows Control Panel. Select Appearance…
How can I make my font look metal? The final “metal text” effect….Metal Text Effect In Photoshop Step 1: Create A New Document. Step 2:…
How do you rewrite a trigonometric function? Solve for the trig function by adding the radical value to each side. Use the reciprocal identity and…
How do you align in brackets? Start a new line inside the brackets and then add the following code: text-align: center; Change “center” to the…
How do you insert a section break in odd pages? To insert a new odd page section break into your document, put the cursor at…
How to change the colour of chapter headings? You can use the package sectsty to do change the headings, and xcolor to get the colour…
What should be included in an extended abstract? The extended abstract must contain the following sections: abstract and keywords, introduction, methodology, findings, conclusion, and references.…