Useful tips for everyday
How to do a three step latent class analysis? Three-step latent class analysis means that the analysis of interest is performed using the following steps:…
Can you put tutorials on your resume? Yes you can include them in your resume if you can explain every single step and ideology behind…
Is it okay to ask a question in a research paper? So, try to avoid posing direct rhetorical questions to the reader in an essay.…
How do you standardize a normal distribution variable? Any normal distribution can be standardized by converting its values into z-scores….Standardizing a normal distribution A positive…
What makes a variable significant in regression? If your regression model contains independent variables that are statistically significant, a reasonably high R-squared value makes sense.…
How to calculate the percentile of a data set? Follow these steps to calculate the kth percentile: Rank the values in the data set in…
How do you improve adjusted R-squared? When more variables are added, r-squared values typically increase. They can never decrease when adding a variable; and if…
What is best test in statistics? If distribution of the data is not normal or if one is not sure about the distribution, it is…
How do you find the confidence interval for AZ? Step 1: Divide your confidence level by 2: . 95/2 = 0.475. Step 2: Look up…
When to use zero and one inflated beta models? If there are no zeros in the data set, you may only need to accommodate inflation…