Useful tips for everyday
What happened to airfone? Airfone service was installed on 1000 aircraft belonging to United Airlines and Continental Airlines. US Airways and Delta Air Lines have…
Did the Concorde have retractable landing gear? Concorde is equipped with a hydraulically operated retractable tricycle landing gear layout, with a nose gear consisting of…
Do airplanes have to follow a speed limit? Although there is not a specific speed limit for commercial planes above 10,000 feet, pilots have to…
Why are engines mounted on wings? Placing engines on the wing provides beneficial wing bending relief in flight. The further the engines are away from…
How is flight altitude determined? According to Thrillist, a plane’s altitude is determined by its current weight and the atmospheric conditions at the time of…
What increases takeoff distance? An uphill slope increases the take-off ground run, and a downhill slope increases the landing ground run. For example, an upslope…
What is considered a short field landing? Approach To Landing To make a great short field landing, you need to be in complete control of…
How does temperature affect aircraft? High air temperatures affect the physics of how aircraft fly, meaning aircraft takeoff performance can be impaired on hot days.…
What is aircraft trim? By definition, to “trim” an aircraft is to adjust the aerodynamic forces on the control surfaces so that the aircraft maintains…
Why a propeller driven aircraft does not fly supersonic? For the aircraft to go supersonic, the whole propeller would have to be travelling through the…