Useful tips for everyday
Why is naive Bayes linear? Naive Bayes is a linear classifier Naive Bayes leads to a linear decision boundary in many common cases. Illustrated here…
How do you pick Lambda? When choosing a lambda value, the goal is to strike the right balance between simplicity and training-data fit: If your…
How do you show change in distribution over time? Visualization methods that show data over a time period to display as a way to find…
How is RT interval measured? The formula for men was as follows: RTmen = (0.143 × R-R) + 224.2 (or [8,580/HR] + 224.2), with all…
What is the uncontrolled variable? a characteristic factor that is not regulated or measured by the investigator during an experiment or study, so that it…
How many parameters does the DBSCAN require as input? DBSCAN requires two parameters: ε (eps) and the minimum number of points required to form a…
What are predictors in quantitative research? The predictor variable provides information on an associated dependent variable regarding a particular outcome. The term predictor variable arises…
What significance level would minimize the probability of a Type 1 error? Explanation: The level of significance α of a hypothesis test is the same…
How do you convert non numeric data to numeric data? To convert non-number into number, N function comes in handy. To use it, head over…
When to use a binary dependent variable in regression? You can also see the annotations of others: click the in the upper right hand corner…