Useful tips for everyday
What does u stand for in regression? Y = the variable that you are trying to predict (dependent variable). X = the variable that you…
How is precision related to sampling? Precision refers to how close estimates from different samples are to each other. Precision is inversely related to standard…
How is a Gaussian mixture model used in real life? Gaussian Mixture Model. 1 Normal or Gaussian Distribution. In real life, many datasets can be…
What is suppression variable? Suppressions can be defined as “a variable which increases the predictive validity of another variable (or set of variables) by its…
Do you report effect sizes for non-significant results? Effect sizes should always be reported, as they allow a greater understanding of the data regardless of…
How is tabulated F value calculated? State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. Calculate the F value. The F Value is calculated using the…
How is the cost function of a neural network generalized? Cost function of a neural network is a generalization of the cost function of the…
What do you need to know about boosted regression trees? Boosted Regression Trees have two important parameters that need to be specified by the user.…
How do you explain z-score? A Z-score is a numerical measurement that describes a value’s relationship to the mean of a group of values. Z-score…
What are the assumptions of a sign test? Assumptions: Data distribution: The Sign test is a non–parametric (distribution free) test, so we do not assume…