Useful tips for everyday
Can a clutch break suddenly? Clutches tend to fail in one of two ways – either suddenly or gradually. Sudden failure is most often caused…
How do you test hydraulic lifters? You can easily test if some air (or actually only air) is present in a hydraulic lifter. Simply push…
Can you put same size tires on staggered wheels? The industry’s trend of offering vehicles with different size tires in the front and rear (staggered)…
Do you round 4 or 5? Here’s the general rule for rounding: If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8,…
Can Bitcoin be converted to any currency? Third-Party Broker Exchanges The process is the same as currency exchanges in the airport of a foreign country.…
How do I stop my email from ending up in the spam folder? The Easy, 12-Step Guide On How To Prevent Emails From Going To…
Why are my Google searches slow? According to a few enterprising posters at Reddit and a bug report over at the Android project at Google…
How to remove the add / delete button for a model? They have asked you to disable ‘Add’ and ‘Delete’ buttons. You can do this…
How do you fix a function overriding? You must use the scope resolution operator, “::” to access the overridden function. Another way to access the…
How to change the checkout shopping cart template? The checkout shopping cart is highlighted above. The change is using the word “Download” in the column…