Useful tips for everyday
What do you need to know about Arduino for beginners? Welcome to the first chapter of my Arduino Tutorial for Beginners. In this chapter, you…
How to control a servo motor with a Bluetooth module? We’re very close to wirelessly control the SG90 servo motor with an Android smartphone. This…
How do you communicate with HC 05? Connecting Phone to HC-05 Bluetooth Module In order to pair the module with your phone, open Bluetooth Settings…
Why is jsonbuffer important in arduinojson 5? Chapter 5 explains how ArduinoJson works from the inside. It explains why the class JsonBuffer is crucial for…
Can neural networks sort? NN-sort: Neural Network based Data Distribution-aware Sorting. Sorting is a fundamental operation in computing. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world…
How does a neural network make predictions? Long answer: A neural network starts out with random numbers for weights. It then takes in a single…
How do you formulate a constraint satisfaction problem? A problem to be converted to CSP requires the following steps: Step 1: Create a variable set.…
What is classic method in AI? Classic AI consists mainly in inference engines used for rule based systems. The main goal was to map human…
Are AI algorithms open source? Open source datasets: AI software is trained on data, and in open source AI, the training data and test data…
What are some strategies to help you visualize? Students can work on their visualizing skills as a whole class or in small groups. One way…