Should all exceptions be logged?
Unless you are going to change the exception, you should only log at the level where you are going to handle the error and not rethrow it. Otherwise your log just has a bunch of “noise”, 3 or more of the same message logged, once at each layer.
Does catch exception catch all exceptions?
A generic catch block can handle all the exceptions. Whether it is ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or ArithmeticException or NullPointerException or any other type of exception, this handles all of them.
Where to log exceptions, where to logging exceptions?
First of all logging has to be coded into every component capable of throwing an exception or calling a third party component that throws exceptions. This is a lot of logging code to write and maintain.
When to log and throw exceptions in Java?
No matter which approach you take when handling exceptions, log the exception at the same time you handle the exception. If you log the exception and then throw it, there’s a chance that the exception will be logged again further up the call stack, resulting in two log events for the same error. To prevent confusion, log once and log consistently.
Which is the catch all exception in Python?
We’re going to start at one extreme: try: main_loop() except Exception: logger.exception(“Fatal error in main loop”) This is a broad catch-all. It is suitable for some code path where you know the block of code (i.e, main_loop()) can raise a number of exceptions you may not anticipate.
Is there any way to catch all exceptions in Java?
In Java, is there any way to get (catch) all exceptions instead of catch the exception individually? If you want, you can add throws clauses to your methods. Then you don’t have to catch checked methods right away. That way, you can catch the exceptions later (perhaps at the same time as other exceptions ).