Should we store OTP in database?

Should we store OTP in database?

1 Answer. OTP should be stored somewhere for a limited period of time, up to you (and your architecture) to choose if you need to store in a database or in memory using (for example) a password pool.

What is a one time password and how do I use it?

A one-time password (OTP) is an automatically generated numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates the user for a single transaction or login session. An OTP is more secure than a static password, especially a user-created password, which can be weak and/or reused across multiple accounts.

How do I save OTP?

A key-value store like Redis would be the best option for this purpose. You could have simple logic like this in your preferred language: Create an OTP -> Save it in Redis using SET with an expiry of whatever time you want -> On getting a request check if the key exists, if the value is right, they are verified.

Should OTPs be hashed?

On the downside, OTPs can be intercepted or rerouted, and hard tokens can get lost, damaged, or stolen. Many systems that use OTPs do not securely implement them, and attackers can still learn the password through phishing attacks to impersonate the authorized user.

What is last pass one time password?

LastPass provides you with the ability to generate one-time passwords (OTPs) in which each password will only work for one login session. This means that even if someone else gets access to a previously used OTP, they will not be able to use it to log on to your LastPass account.

How do I get a one time password?

What is a one-time password and how do I use it?

  1. On the login screen, click Get one-time password.
  2. Enter your email.
  3. Click Send email.
  4. In your email, locate the email with your one-time password.
  5. On your console, return to the login screen.
  6. Enter your email and one-time password.
  7. Click Log In.

How does a time-based one-time password work?

As a server and phone both have access to time, neither of them has to keep track of the counter. Also, to avoid the problem of different time zones of the server and phone, we can use a Unix timestamp, which is independent of time zones. However the Unix time is defined in seconds, so it changes every second.

How are time based passwords used in HOTP?

The only difference is that it uses “Time” in the place of “counter,” and that gives the solution to our second problem. That means that instead of initializing the counter and keeping track of it, we can use time as a counter in the HOTP algorithm to obtain the OTP.

How does one time password in TOTP work?

A TOTP uses the HOTP algorithm to obtain the one time password. The only difference is that it uses “Time” in the place of “counter,” and that gives the solution to our second problem. That means that instead of initializing the counter and keeping track of it, we can use time as a counter in the HOTP algorithm to obtain the OTP.