What are continued fractions used for?

What are continued fractions used for?

Continued fractions are written as fractions within fractions which are added up in a special way, and which may go on for ever. Every number can be written as a continued fraction and the finite continued fractions are sometimes used to give approximations to numbers like \sqrt 2 and \pi .

Who invented continued fractions?

The Rogers–Ramanujan continued fraction is a continued fraction discovered by Rogers (1894) and independently by Srinivasa Ramanujan, and closely related to the Rogers–Ramanujan identities. It can be evaluated explicitly for a broad class of values of its argument.

How do you solve Pell’s equation?

to the ‘Pell type equation’ n x 2 + 1 k ( m 2 − n ) = y 2 nx^{2} + \large\frac{1}{k}\normalsize (m^{2} – n) = y^{2} nx2+k1(m2−n)=y2 where 1 k ( m 2 − n ) \large\frac{1}{k}\normalsize (m^{2} – n) k1(m2−n) is also an integer.

How do you know if a fraction is infinite?

When the denominator of a fraction cannot be expressed as a product of ‘s and/or ‘s then the decimal expansion of the number will be infinite.

Are fractions finite or infinite?

The fraction is not a finite decimal because the denominator . Since the denominator cannot be expressed as a product of ‘s and ‘s, then is not a finite decimal.

Is Pell’s equation true or false?

Joseph Louis Lagrange proved that, as long as n is not a perfect square, Pell’s equation has infinitely many distinct integer solutions. The name of Pell’s equation arose from Leonhard Euler mistakenly attributing Brouncker’s solution of the equation to John Pell.

Which is the correct way to write continued fractions?

Writing continued fractions (CFs) in the usual way takes up a lots of space so there is a convenient shorthand: make a list of the initial integer part (which may be 0) and the numbers in the denominators (the numerators are always 1). P/Q = a + 1/ (b + 1/ (c + 1/ (d + …)))

Which is the best calculator for simplifying fractions?

If your improper fraction numbers are large you can use the Long Division with Remainders Calculator to find whole number and remainder values when simplifying fractions by hand. To perform math operations on fractions before you simplify them try our Fractions Calculator. This calculator will also simplify improper fractions into mixed numbers.

How to reduce improper fractions to lowest terms?

When possible this calculator first reduces an improper fraction to lowest terms before finding the mixed number form. Example: Convert the improper fraction 45/10 to a mixed number. This calculator reduces the improper fraction to lowest terms by dividing numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor ( GCF ).

How to calculate the GCF of an improper fraction?

Example: Convert the improper fraction 45/10 to a mixed number. This calculator reduces the improper fraction to lowest terms by dividing numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor ( GCF ). The GCF of 45 and 10 is 5. Use this reduced improper fraction and divide 9 by 2: 9 ÷ 2 = 4 with remainder of 2.