What are group attributes?

What are group attributes?

An attribute group is used to group a set of attributes that share a common purpose. For example, you can define an attribute group called Entertainment, which contains entertainment-related attributes for different types of items.

What is a group structure?

Group structure has been defined as the rules that define group norms, roles and status (Stangor 2004). It is often the informal structure and personnel who have been involved for a long period of time that maintain and perpetuate the key norms and values.

What is group process?

Group process refers to how an organization’s members work together to get things done. Typically, organizations spend a great deal of time and energy setting and striving to reach goals but give little consideration to what is happening between and to the group’s greatest resource – it’s members.

What are examples of attributes?

Attribute is defined as a quality or characteristic of a person, place or thing. Intelligence, charm and a sense of humor are each an example of an attribute. A characteristic or quality of a thing. His finest attribute is his kindness.

What is the definition of the member attribute?

The member attribute is a multi-value attribute that contains the list of distinguished names for the user, group, and contact objects that are members of the group.

What does the memberof attribute do in Win32?

For more information, see Group Types. The memberOf attribute is a multiple-value attribute that contains the list of distinguished names for groups that contain the group as a member. This attribute lists the groups beneath which the group is directly nested it does not contain the recursive list of nested predecessors.

What is the member attribute in Active Directory?

The member attribute is a multi-value attribute that contains the list of distinguished names for the user, group, and contact objects that are members of the group. Each item in the list is a linked reference to the object that represents the member; therefore, the Active Directory server automatically updates…

What does the memberof attribute do in Excel?

The memberOf attribute is a multiple-value attribute that contains the list of distinguished names for groups that contain the group as a member. This attribute lists the groups beneath which the group is directly nested it does not contain the recursive list of nested predecessors.