What are inductors standard value?

What are inductors standard value?

Inductors have values that typically range from 1 µH (10−6 H) to 20 H. Many inductors have a magnetic core made of iron or ferrite inside the coil, which serves to increase the magnetic field and thus the inductance.

What is inductor tolerance?

Tolerance on an inductor ranges anywhere from 20% to 40% of the initial value. This is the DC resistance of the inductor. And it’s basically determined entirely by the length of the wire that’s used in wrapping the inductor. You then have a self-resonant frequency.

Are inductors green?

Axial inductors tend to be sea foam green, although some are pea green or even cyan. The cyan ones you can tell from 1% resistors because they have one fewer band. The easiest, and most reliable, way is to look at the designator (and on a through-hole board, there is almost always a printed designator).

What are the five band inductor colour codes?

Note: If no Band 4 is used, tolerance is also +/-20% Fig 3.4.2 Five Band Military Standard Inductor Colour Code Band 1 2 3 4 5 Meaning(See Notes) Mil. Spec. Digit orDec. point Digit orDec. point Digit (or Multiplier)

What is the tolerance of a 5 band inductor?

For example, if an inductor has a color-coding with the first band yellow, the second band violet, the third band brown, and the fourth band black, then the inductor has a nominal value of 470 uH and a tolerance of 20 percent. The 5-band color coding is used on radial molded inductors that are used as military radio frequency inductors.

How are the numbers on an inductor marked?

Inductors can be labeled with a number of different ways. The most common are text codes and color codes. Three digit values are in nano Henries (nH) or micro Henries (μH), depending on manufacturers choice Inductors can be marked by colored bands or colored dots. Each color represents a value.

What does the third digit of an inductor mean?

It consists of three or four letters (including alphabets and numerical digits). First two digits indicate the value. Third digit is the power to be applied for the first two , this means it is the multiplier and power of 10. For example, 101 is expressed as 10*101 micro Henry (µH).