What are SMS long codes?

What are SMS long codes?

What Is an SMS Long Code? An SMS long code is a 10-digit phone number used to send SMS messages. Unlike short codes, long codes can also be used to make and receive calls.

What is SMS short code and long code?

SMS long codes are 10 digit numbers and are tied to an area code, for e.g. (212) 221- 2929. SMS short codes, on the other hand, are 5-6 digits (look like ‘69488’ which Pizza Hut uses) and can only be used to send and receive SMSs, not faxes or calls.

Why use a short code for SMS?

Short code numbers are a popular choice for high-volume A2P messaging. Short codes can send SMS at 100 MPS (message segments per second) by default, and this high throughput is perfect for applications needing to send time-sensitive messages to many users at once.

What’s the difference between a long code and a short code in SMS?

The two most common ways to send SMS messages in the U.S. are using a long code or a short code as the Sender ID (a Sender ID is the “from” address of a text message). This post will assist you in understanding the differences between the 2 options and help you choose which option is best for your use case.

Which is the most common way to send an SMS message?

The two most common ways of sending SMS messages is either through a long code or a short code.

When to use a long code in text marketing?

With a long code, you can only send one message per second. Therefore long code text marketing does not work if you want to message groups of more than 200 people. The other disadvantage of long codes is that they’re longer. This makes it more likely that a user may enter the number wrong on their phone. When Should I Use a Long Code?

What can you do with a long code?

With long codes, you can send SMS messages and make calls from the same number, so your customers don’t have to worry about reaching you via different points of contact. The same phone number can be used for voice calls, faxes, and texts, which establishes a consistent, familiar channel for communicating.