What are the different ways to replace a cursor?

What are the different ways to replace a cursor?

I’d like to know your experience (s) with replacing SQL Server cursors in existing code, or how you took a problem that a procedural guy would use a cursor to solve, and did it set-based. What was the problem the cursor was used to solve? How did you replace the cursor? try to never loop, work on sets of data.

Are there any alternatives to the SQL cursor?

There are two most common alternatives for SQL cursors, so let’s look at each one of them in detail. One of the se alternatives are table variable s. Table variables, just like tables, can store multiple results – but with some limitation.

Why does the cursor in Excel take so long?

From a technical standpoint, it turned out to be a show-stopper because as the amount of data increased the code took exponentially longer. The solution was to replace the cursor with a correlated sub-query which met the functional requirements and eliminated any performance issues.

How to create a cursor to rename a table?

Let’s create a SQL cursor to rename all tables in the sample database by adding ‘_Backup’ to each table’s name while also ensuring that table s containing ‘_Backup’ in their name will not be renamed again by runn ing the following code: N ow, Press F5 in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) to run the script and see the results:

When to replace cursors with joins in SQL?

However, if you want to process data on row-by-row basis rather than in sets, cursors are your only choice. Unfortunately, cursors are extremely slow and so where possible should be replaced with JOINS. To populate a cursor, database tables are iterated on row-by-row basis rather than in sets.

How to move the cursor to the next row?

To move the cursor to next row we again use FETCH NEXT. A better approach is to use a loop and call FETCH NEXT within the loop so that the cursor can iterate over all the rows. The @@FETCH_STATUS returns 0 as long as there are more rows in a set of records.

How to turn off the text cursor indicator in Windows 10?

Turn On or Off Text Cursor Indicator in Settings 1 Open Settings, and click/tap on the Ease of Access icon. Starting with Windows 10 build 21359, the Ease of Access category in Settings has been renamed to Accessibility.

When to convert cursor to another type in SQL Server?

SQL Server implicitly converts the cursor to another type if clauses in select_statement conflict with the functionality of the requested cursor type. Prevents updates made through this cursor. The cursor cannot be referenced in a WHERE CURRENT OF clause in an UPDATE or DELETE statement.

What happens when an insert is made in the cursor?

Inserts made from inside the cursor are visible at the end of the result set. Updates of key values from outside the cursor resemble a delete of the old row followed by an insert of the new row. The row with the new values is not visible, and attempts to fetch the row with the old values return an @@FETCH_STATUS of -2.

How to convert x cursor to a PNG image?

To put it simply, it is converter from X cursor to PNG image. There are only inofficial packages for Arch Linux and Ubuntu (64bit) but the app is hassle-free to compile. This answer would not have been possible without don_crissti pointing out the tool.

How to combine the result set from two ref cursors?

How to combine the result set from two ref cursors. Thanks for the question, Shailandra. Viewed 10K+ times! This question is I have five functions returning set of rows thru ref cursor. I need to do the union or intersection on the their result set and return the final set of rows.