What are the features of MapInfo Pro labels?

What are the features of MapInfo Pro labels?

MapInfo Pro has advanced labelling features. For example: It can display data-driven label dynamically, on-the-fly. It can maintain the live link between the data and the labels. It has a neat little handle for rotating labels.

How do I use AutoTrace in MapInfo Professional?

Press the S key to turn on the Snap process and the T key to turn on the Autotrace functionality. Select the Polygon or Polyline tool from the Drawing toolbar and select the first node you want to trace. Drag the mouse along the nodes of the line or object you want to trace. You can use the Shift/Ctrl key functionality for this mode.

How to delete labels in MapInfo layer control?

Custom labels are always “Selectable”. They will display even if you un-check the Label checkbox in Layer Control. Custom labels, like automatic labels, have a “live” link to the data. Change the data and the label changes automatically. Discard or erase *all* custom labels via Map > Clear Custom labels menu option.

How do I trace a polygon in MapInfo?

Open a Map layer you want to trace a polygon or polyline on. Make the layer editable. Press the S key to turn on the Snap process and the T key to turn on the Autotrace functionality. Select the Polygon or Polyline tool from the Drawing toolbar and select the first node you want to trace.

How to turn off automatic labels in MapInfo?

If they get in the way, turn them “Off” by un-checking the Label checkbox in Layer Control. Automatic labels have a “live” link to the data. Change your data record and the label will change automatically. Neither ArcView nor Workstation Arc/Info can create dynamic automatic labels.

What’s the purpose of label checkbox in MapInfo?

The purpose of this presentation is to outline how to build on the strengths and avoid the weakness of current label features. Appear automatically as you pan and zoom around. The Label checkbox, in the Layer Control dialog, must be checked, of course.

Why are labels not showing in the map window?

Labels print via the Layout that didn’t show in the Map window. The printed page can contain some unexpected (and maybe unwanted) automatic labels. The map window only shows map labels that ‘qualify’ for display. That is, unless you’ve checked the “Allow overlapping labels” box in the Layer Control dialog, many labels will be suppressed.