What are the shortcoming of contour lines?

What are the shortcoming of contour lines?

The limitations of contouring include; Not all physical features and landforms can be portrayed by the contour lines. E.g. coral reefs and outcrop rocks. The contour lines may fail to indicate some of the highest and important elevations on the map due to limitations of the vertical interval used.

Which rule for contour lines is incorrect?

Rule 1 – every point of a contour line has the same elevation. Rule 2 – contour lines separate uphill from downhill. Rule 3 – contour lines do not touch or cross each other except at a cliff. Rule 4 – every 5th contour line is darker in color.

What happens if you walk along a contour line?

Topographic Maps A contour line is a line of equal elevation. If you walk along a contour line you will not go uphill or downhill. Each line connects all points of a specific elevation. Contour lines never cross since a single point can only have one elevation.

What is the advantage of contour line?

The nature of ground surface of a country can be understood by studying a contour map. Hence the possabe route of communication between different place can be demarcated. A suitable site or an economical alignment can be selected for any engineering project.

What does it mean when contour lines cross?

When the terrain is an overhang or cliff, contour lines will cross or touch.

What is the elevation of the contour line?

Elevation at point C = 85 (elevation at C can be approximated to 85 ft. Both points C and D are inside the contour 90). Elevation at point D = 87 (point D is closer to 90 ft contour. Hence, it should be around 87).

How to compute cut and fill using contour lines?

Cut and fill can be computed using contour lines. Example below shows how to compute cut and fill volumes using contour lines. The width of the road is 30 ft and BD = 500 ft and DF = 500 ft. Elevation of the proposed road is 98 ft ( Fig. 11.12 ). Fig. 11.12. Proposed road. Cross sectional areas at sections AB, CD, and EF.

When do contour lines cross ridge or Valley Lines?

Contour line cross ridge or valley line at right angles. If the higher values are inside the bend or loop in the contour, it indicates a Ridge. If the higher values are outside the bend, it represents a Valley. Characteristics of Contours 8.

What does a contour line on the foot mean?

Contour lines can indicate the outer borders of the foot and suggest a three-dimensional form. They can be smooth or flowing, short or choppy, dark or light, broad or narrow.