What can you do with the plane cut tool?

What can you do with the plane cut tool?

The Plane Cut tool allows you to slice a Mesh with a plane. This tool actually does several completely different things to your mesh, depending on how it is configured. The Property Panel for the Plane Cut tool is quite simple, as shown below. There are two main settings.

What’s the best way to split an object?

My goal is to eventually write a script which splits an object into many equally-spaced slices along a given axis.

What happens when you make a plane cut?

If you are in Cut or Slice mode, then your plane cut will be creating holes in the object. By default we automatically fill those holes with planar meshes, as long as the holes are closed. Hence, when you cut a solid, you get a solid.

What are the different types of plane cut?

The four fill types described below, and three are shown in the image. No Fill mode simply leaves the holes empty. Minimal Fill mode (below left) creates a triangulation with the fewest number of triangles possible. Iin fact it is a Constrained Delaunay triangulation.

How to Remesh around the plane cut boundary?

Alternately you can try to remesh around the plane cut boundary, so that the cut will succeed. If the cut plane location can be somewhat imprecise, you can try wiggling it slightly, and you may find that the fill succeeds at a slightly different location. Was this information helpful?

Can a mesh be cut at any sub object level?

You can slice an editable mesh object at any sub-object level; the Cut tool is available at every sub-object level except Vertex. To create a new face using Cut: Convert the geometry to an editable mesh. On the Modify panel, choose the Vertex, Edge, Face, Polygon, or Element sub-object level.

What happens when you cut a mesh in Autodesk?

If you are cutting through an existing boundary loop in a non-solid Mesh, then the result will be a shell, rather than a solid. The four fill types described below, and three are shown in the image. No Fill mode simply leaves the holes empty. Minimal Fill mode (below left) creates a triangulation with the fewest number of triangles possible.

How to cut an object along a curve?

Although all the above answers are correct they all include unnecessary steps, you don’t need to convert your curve to a mesh, nor do you need to extrude or joint anything, you can cut you mesh model directly from a curve using Knife Project operator. Adjust the view as necessary, the cut is view dependent.