What CC means in email?

What CC means in email?

carbon copy
Cc stands for carbon copy which means that whose address appears after the Cc: header would receive a copy of the message. Also, the Cc header would also appear inside the header of the received message.

What is the purpose of the CC in an email?

Just like the physical carbon copy above, CC is an easy way to send copies of an email to other people. If you’ve ever received a CCed email, you’ve probably noticed that it will be addressed to you and a list of other people who have also been CCed.

What does cc by stand for?

Creative Commons ‘Attribution’ licence
The RCUK policy currently mandates use of the Creative Commons ‘Attribution’ licence (CC BY) when an Article Processing Charge (APC) is levied. This licence allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the licensed work, including for commercial purposes, as long as the original author is credited.

What is cc in TikTok?

closed captions
On TikTok, though, “CC” means closed captions. While subtitles assume the viewer can hear the video and is a mere transcription of dialogue, closed captions assume the user cannot hear the audio and includes both dialogue and other sounds.

Do you respond to CC emails?

You don’t have to reply to an email where you are on the cc line. CC is short for carbon copy or courtesy copy. The email is being sent to you mainly for your information or to keep you in the loop of the conversation. No further action is expected.

What is CC time?

CCTime is a utility to help track how much time you spend on different tasks during your work day. CC Time is free, open source software. Source code is available at GitHub.

What does cc you on it refer to?

Let’s start with the basics. “CC” stands for “carbon copy,” and functionally represents a copy of an email sent to another addressee. If you include the email address of another individual in the CC line, that person will receive a copy of the email you send to the people in the “To” field.

What does cc mean in a company?

The term cc stands for carbon copy. It indicates people not addressed in the memo who should receive a copy. For example, if a memo is sent to a manager about an upcoming meeting at corporate, it would be appropriate to cc the manager’s secretary so that he can put the date on her calendar.

What does cc mean on the bottom of a letter?

While some people still use the term “carbon copy,” “cc” more commonly means “courtesy copy.” Place it at the very bottom of a business letter to alert the recipient about who else will receive a copy.

What does cc stand for in measurement?

CC stands for cubic centimetres, which is the standard of measurement for the amount of silicone or saline inside a breast implant.