What demographic data can the US Census Bureau provide?

What demographic data can the US Census Bureau provide?

Demographic surveys measure income, poverty, education, health insurance coverage, housing quality, crime victimization, computer usage, and many other subjects. Economic surveys are conducted monthly, quarterly, and annually.

How do I find my census block?

Go to www.census.gov. Select “Geography”, then “Maps and Data” in that menu. The data on this sheet is sorted by COUNTY then CENSUS TRACT.

What is a demographic question?

Demographic survey questions are usually a part of market research or market segmentation surveys that give survey creators insights into respondents’ age, gender, or marital status. These questions are used in surveys to enable survey creators to compare two or more different sections of demographics.

What can demographic data be used for?

Demographic data is statistical data collected about the characteristics of the population, e.g. age, gender and income for example. It is usually used to research a product or service and how well it is selling, who likes it and/or in what areas it is most popular.

How do I find the demographics of a neighborhood?

The U.S. Census Bureau allows you to search by ZIP code, city, county, and/or state to find a specific area’s income levels, ethnicities, ages, and other social characteristics.

What are the census block maps for 2010?

2010 The 2010 Census Block Map Series, also referred to as the Geographic Unit (GU) block maps, is produced to support the 2010 Decennial Census data release. These maps display tabulation geography down to the census block level.

Why are census blocks important to the Census Bureau?

2010 Census Block Relationship files are provided as a tool to help data users compare the universe of Census 2000 blocks to the universe of 2010 Census blocks. Geography is central to the work of the Census Bureau, providing framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.

How are census blocks used in legislative redistricting?

BAFs are among the geographic products provided to states and other data users containing the small area census data necessary for legislative redistricting. 2010 Census Block Relationship files are provided as a tool to help data users compare the universe of Census 2000 blocks to the universe of 2010 Census blocks.

Where can I find census data by topic?

While many data tables are now available in data.census.gov, you can browse and download additional data tables by topic and year. CBB is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format.